vent--There are too many skinny people at the gym



  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I am too absorbed in my own exercise program to even notice skinny or body builder or fat. I do notcie only occasionally when we are using the same machnes or racks and thats it. My hair is a mess shortly after and no makeup so I hope they don't notice me either.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • gardengirl40
    gardengirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I understand where you are coming from.. I felt that way the first time I went into a gym. It is a mind set.. don't worry about them.. just focus on you.

    Sorry everyones being hateful to you for venting.. and its a normal way for someone who is overweight to feel.. its called insecure. You will get confidence if you try.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    They are fit because they work out. It's not their fault you are just getting started. Focus on you but learn from them.

    But, use them as motivation. When I started I didn't go look for the fat guy to motivate or me to run, lift or bike. I talked to the people that had been doing it for a long time and knew what they were doing, and they worked with me on the best way for me to achieve my goals.

    Joe Meathead as you call him probably busts his butt to look that way and you call him names, but if he turned around and called you Fatso or whatever that would be offensive.
  • Sozu
    Sozu Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah, you should see them more as motivation. They probably been fat, they maybe been 25 lbs overweight, but they've just now worked it out. Should they get kicked from gym once they reach the goal? :D haha
    Well, you know, to lose weight you don't even have to go to the gym. If you like skinny people and wanna get skinny, you don't even have to lift.
    Cardio is free, have some walk outside in nature, go listen to some audiobook or music while you're walking. Make it fun!
    Then just log your food on MyFitnessPal and be sure to make a daily deficit, get strict and if you wanna eat snacks, then work for it and do the cardio. As long as you´re on a kcal deficit you'll make progress towards losing weight.
    Because really, I THINK you never going to find a gym that only allow overweight people, unless you make that gym. So instead, if you not like the skinny people, just find some other place. For only cardio you can do it easily outdoors, much cheaper than in the gym as well, more healthy due you get sunlight, and if you walk in forest it's also good.

  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I know that that sounds stupid but I wish someone would open a gym where you have to be at least 25 pounds overweight to join. I go to a pretty nice one and overall people are pretty nice but when you are currently proud that you know you are exercising because your stomach fat has separated into two distinct groups working out next to Joe Meat head and Trophy wife wearing too much perfume and too little clothing can just make you feel less good about being there.

    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this but am I alone? Does anyone else feel just a little more insecure working out amongst the already insanely fit?

  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Le sigh.

    You took the words right out of my mouth.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I just don't know what to say to this. Really, I don't.
    seems like you did, hence your response

    i get what your saying OP, and no you're not alone. i think you already know that everyone is just paying attention to their own workouts, just use the fit folks as motivation, thats what i do. as a competitive person, i feel like im pushed more in a gym full of people in better shape than i am compared to if i were in one where i was at the top of the fitness chain
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    They are skinny because they work out consistently. A gym that only has overweight people would eventually lose all it's customers. Not a good business model.

    Pretty much this. I also agree with the poster that suggested going at a different time of day.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I understand the insecurity. Unfortunately, by posting this you are going to receive an enormous amount of unsympathetic, snarky and probably rude replies from those who have already determined you are an inferior "special snowflake." I hope not though.

    Move to the midwest.

    My gym, OH GOD, I mean my "fitness center" is inhabited by weeble wobbles. We all get along fine.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:


    So it's acceptable for her to call the people working out names etc. But I can just imagine the thread that would have happened if they said something about her being overweight.

    Grow up and realize they are putting in the hard work and effort to make those changes.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    You're 40. Time to be an adult.

    What does feeling insecure have to do with being an adult.. Everyone has them, at least at some point or another.

    Let's build people up.. not tear them down.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Wow. Issues much?

    I hang out in the "meat head" section, and often am the only woman there. I have to say, all of the guys have been great, perfectly happy to check to make sure that I'm parallel or give me a spot if I want one. The super fit woman who is there often, working on her first figure competition after being deep in the powerlifting scene? Umm, she told me to have her come over next time I PR my deads, so that she can give me form help to lift more. This was after saying how amazing I'm doing, even though I'm far from her level.

    I have to say, my gym experience sounds like it's much more fulfilling than yours. You may want to give up the judgey-judginess and stop limiting yourself.

    ETA: later today I'm going to go trail running. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to see a bunch of superfit fast runners there, as I plod along. They will all nod their head and say what a lovely day for a run it is.
  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    I don't think you were being rude at all, like basically everyone above me seems to think. I'm sure there are tons of people who think that way as well and just won't admit it like you did. You weren't being rude, just stating an insecurity. I know how it is, you feel that all the skinny people are judging you, but I can't almost promise you that most of them aren't. I thought that way too... until I became really good friends with a super skinny model like girl and my whole idea of skinny and super beautiful people judging me all the time began to change. There are probably a lot of people there who admire you for working towards something, and maybe some of them were where you were once upon a time.

    Luckily, the gym that I go to has a really good mix of people. I go the last hour to hour and a half before they close and I see old retired people, I see young people, I see fit people and not so fit people (me being one of those!), so I don't feel as my gym is all full of super fit people like you.

    Maybe try talking to them (I haven't conquered the idea of talking to anyone at the gym before, but I guess it's pretty common??) and you'll learn that you aren't being judged all the time?

    Good luck! Sorry for all the rude comments before, it wasn't fair of them when you were just stating an insecurity and concern.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Ok. :yawn: