

  • Once again its not how I am making it sound. I dont believe the documentary. I ate bread today, and some tiger shrimp ravioli (thats pasta, made from grains) for dinner. I do not agree with the film. I know documentaries are one sided. Be a crafty consumer, come to your own conclusions. I was just wondering how people felt…
  • yep thats the one
  • ok, so phylates are not that bad, good to know, well i guess they are if in excess but thats true of anything...except happiness!!!!
  • that is comical and also sad
  • I dont think eating oatmeal is bad for you, as I said acrbs are used by your bdy for energy, which is needed to, well, live. The documentary said oatmeal is bad. I was just curious what others thought about this stuff. Not that I actually believe it.
  • Grains are not really the devil i suppose, they have carbs which gives energy, I guess its just about excess. What trips me out are the phylates that block absorption of good stuff. I didnt even know those were a thing
  • That is true, civilization is probably a good thing. However says the man on the TV. In the vast timeline of human existence, grain based argiculture has only been practiced for .01%. Just before that was a peak in our species brain developement and since we rely on grains in much of our food, our brain development has…