

  • If the meds are 500mg then you may have thrown up from taking two or it could even be an allergic reaction. I have had many surgeries and they always prescribe hydrocodone. This medication has been known to give people headaches, it is one of the most common side effects. You should try reading the drug info sheet the…
  • Has anyone ever had a spouse that chewed you out for counting calories, my did. My family is so used to eating large portions that when I brought out the measuring cups to make sure I didn't go over my calorie intake for the day, he jumped my case and told me that I just need to eat and not worry so much about every little…
  • Thank you for the knowledge, I will try to put it to good use:happy:
  • Holly Cow! 6lbs in one week, that is great. I hope that my efforts prove to do the same.:smile:
  • Awesome, I wish I had that much will power.
  • Hi everyone, I am a long time dieter, but a first timer to my fitness pal. Recently my doctor told me that I needed to start counting calories. He told me to drop to 1800 and start exercising. He also told me to stay away from white food. Has anyone ever heard of that? I have never tried to count my calories before, I hope…