daddyratty Member


  • One of my favorite podcasters did an episode on this awhile back.
  • Have you adjusted your calorie intake at all? You might want to consider yo-yoing or zig-zagging your calories. If you're at 1400, try a few days where you bounce between 1250 and 1800 or so. Make sure this is NET calories (eating back your exercise calories). Also, you might find that your cheat weekend spurns some…
  • Maybe someone said this already (I didn't read through the whole thing), but any time you have a place like this where pretty much everyone has something in common, there's a tendency to emotionally tie yourself to people going through the same thing(s). This is especially the case for those who may not have support of…
  • I weigh myself pretty frequently, too, but I only *count* one weigh-in per week (same day, etc.). It gives me, for example, a pretty good idea of how different my weight is from evening to morning. Nothing scientific about all this - it's just interesting to me. That said, you may want to try to go a day without. Perhaps…
  • You'd need some sort of HRM to have a better idea. But it's not really debatable that there is a difference. The theory used to be that running or walking burned the same number of calories. This was based on the technical definition of a calorie. (Also, what we call a calorie is actually a kilocalorie). The definition of…
  • Thanks for all the tips, everyone. Tide was out, so there was lots of compacted and firm sand, and so all 8 miles were on surface similar to what I'm accustomed to. My training calendar called for an 11:41 pace, and my pace for the 8 miles was 11:28. My watch isn't with me and I haven't yet uploaded my run to…
  • this. Works very well for nips and any other area that might chafe due to friction from exercise.
  • 1. Most of the time, yes. 2. Yes.
  • I figured that I would do it for the rest of my life. And when I crunched the numbers (can't help it, I'm a high school math teacher with an MBA) I found that you dedicate what amounts to a couple days a year tracking and weighing. I'm pretty sure you'll extend your life more than two-thirds of a percent by ensuring you're…
  • This is correct. There is no "rule of thumb" for calories per mile because it depends on (a) mass and (b) energy expenditure. A mile walking is NOT the same as a mile running, because it taps into deeper aerobic (and perhaps anaerobic) reserves. As a 240-ish pound male, I still expend about 195-200 calories per mile jogged…
  • Good luck to you. You're in the right place. (By the way, I have family in RC that have lived there for over 30 years). The one thing I would throw out to you is this: at least 80% of your fitness progress is what you eat. The exercise helps and is a fun barometer of your progress, but there was a time not that long ago…
  • lol, it's kind of what bounces around in my head all week, so this is the chance I finally get to put it into writing.
  • Said it there and I'll say it here. You are incredible. Way to go!
  • I like this reply kateo. I have to admit, I'm a little befuddled by the "not enough to worry about." So what *is* enough to worry about? In a 60-90 minute run, we're talking a discrepancy for me of 120-180 calories. If that's not worth worrying about, then I am not quite sure why I would track everything I eat. After all,…
  • I'm a MATH TEACHER ... it's my job to worry about numbers. :smile:
  • This is an excellent point. Seems to even out the tables a bit.
  • Like CountryGrrrrl and others said, I have resigned myself to using some sort of calorie tracking the rest of my life. It's not invasive, and it's not hard to realize the trade-off. I weigh and log food for a total of under 10 minutes per day. I'll use 10 minutes. That's 5 hours per month. That's 2-1/2 days per year.…
  • This was (and still is, to some extent) a major vice of mine. All I know is that I have felt much, much better when I'm not drinking soda than when I am. My runs and walks go better, and I eat more healthy all around. That said, the first few days after breaking the soda habit are torture. I got pretty massive caffeine…
  • Agree and disagree. Think of it this way: you can now carry your entire music collection with you. That was never possible before. Or at least not practical.
  • I thought I heard Jay say something like 8 months altogether. That would be 19 weeks from week 1 to week 20, then another 3+ months? Maybe I heard wrong.
  • Finally found the thread ... I'm in. I have 5 miles this week ... my very first 10K is on Saturday! I set a goal of 60 last month and hit it (walked extra on the 30th to hit 60.00 precisely). It beat my monthly personal best (from the very month before) by over 15 miles. After this week, my calendar has me doing weeks of…
  • One more thing. You can DO THIS!
  • While #1 is funny, I think it's a bit mean. Especially because many people ask with a subtext of "can I have this, too?" So when you're honest, you might plant a seed that tells them "I did this just with discipline, but I lived a long time without it. You can, too!"
  • These are just some suggestions ... not a magic formula: Stroke his ego (we're suckers for that). Tell him how much you appreciate how hard he works to provide for the family. Then - several days later - ask to have a conversation with him. You might even tell him a couple days ahead of time that you have some serious…
  • You aren't eating enough. As was said above, you need to NET at least 1200 calories per day. If you exercise 1000 calories, then you need to have 2200 that day - EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL HUNGRY. Part of the issue with those of us needing to lose a lot is that we *think* we know what we're supposed to do or not supposed to…
  • No, sorry. This is not it. Muscle and fat weigh the same (1lb = 1lb).
  • I tried on my "trigger pants" yesterday morning when I hit 250 on the scale. I try them on every 10 pounds. They're 36-waist pants, and I actually got them all the way up this time. I may have been able to suck it in and button them, but I could also have ruined them by doing so. I'll try again at 240.
  • I weigh myself a lot. Only once per week (Thursday mornings) count, but occasionally this is different. By sometimes weighing right before bed and right when I get up, I get a pretty good feel as to how much weight difference occurs overnight (for me it's usually about 2 pounds). So if I'm going to be super busy from the…