

  • I am about 90& of the way to a flat stomach... In the last month, I've cut my lower abdomen (belly) fat down by a great amount... I've lost 85 or so pounds, but still was having trouble losing that last spot of fat... SO, I started adding a lot of strength training to workouts and VOILA.. STRENGTH TRAINING…
  • I PREFER to not eat them back. I won't force myself to STARVE or become extremely uncomfortable if I still have like...1000 calories left at the end of the day (which happens pretty much all of the time)...But I, like you, have more peace of mind if at the end of the day I still have those calories left!
  • Thanks! New to the whole forum thing so I forgot to search first! :P
  • Not at all surprising. Simple solution: Don't eat there anyway! I haven't had a fast-food restaurant's meal in over 6 months... If you've TRULY made a lifestyle change (or you're on a diet), you wouldn't want to eat there anyway! CUT THE CRAP. PERIOD.
  • While you DO become less hungry, it does take awhile.... Remember, the more you lose, the more you have to cut back! Right now I can only be eating 1590 calories a day (And I'm a 19 year old boy!! I'M HUNGRY!!) But be prepared for the first few weeks to CONSTANTLY be hungry. You can push through it though. Shrink that…
  • Greets from Lincoln Park!! I'm a 19 year old Sophomore at DePaul University... February 10, 2011 I weighed 224 pounds...Now, on July 25, 2011 I weigh a measly 159!!! 65 Pounds lost in about 5 and a half months!! Add me! I'll throw some encouragement your way, and you do the same for me :) GO BEARS.
  • I'd love a recipe :)
  • Salmon Burger served with steamed Carrots, Broccoli, and Zucchini! COMPLETELY filling and it only costs about 150-260 calories (depends on how many Burgers you make.. I usually have two :)