

  • Best tip I can offer is to keep little to no snack-food in the house, it's a lot harder to make an impulse snack, if there's nothing you can eat fast. I try to keep foods around that take a little bit of prep, helps make choices easier (since I'm usually a bit on the lazy side when it comes to making meals.) Another thing…
  • The only tough interaction I've had to deal with is with my grandpa. I love the guy to death but he's extremely concerned with my loss of weight. Any time I'm over at his house, I'm always offered dinner, and I eat extra there to make him happy because he believes I'm starving. He's the definition of stubborn, so I know I…
  • Sup /fit/izens, I'm a 20 year old college kid in Wisconsin. I decided it was time to stop fatass'ing it when I began to outgrow 38" shorts and was contemplating the next size up. At this point I decided I could get my life in order and lose weight, or be a fatasfatass and buy new clothes and do nothing to better myself. 6…