VickiS78 Member


  • A tater tot casserole that has been redone to be more health conscious. :)
  • JuzDult, I'm on the Syntrax website, but there are so many options. What type of powder is it you bought exactly? Thanks!
  • I enjoy going to the gym, and I enjoy getting my work out on the treadmill done, because honestly, I feel so much better mentally when I leave there. I have had 3 back surgeries, and to be honest, my back is just burning today and I'm exhausted. I've taken some meds, so I'm hoping that once they kick in that I'll feel…
  • Hi all! I'm Vicki from MI. I'm 35, married to my best friend and we have a daughter that is 6. I am currently going through the 6 months of supervised medical dieting to get approved by my insurance for surgery. I am interested in the sleeve surgery. I have been overweight my entire life, and have had 3 serious back…