

  • Angie I feel ya! I'm in the same boat too! I've seen the scale say I lost 10 pounds, but I haven't moved any further past that. Then the next day I measure and it shows 4 inches off hips and waist, but the scale shows I've gained instead of lost. So I'm just gonna do my thing, measure and weigh every 2 weeks, and to stop…
  • My husband is the same way. He is about 30 pounds overweight where as I am 60 pounds. I too have struggled with my weight and he knows this. He keeps saying that he needs to lose weight as well, but when I ask him if he'd like to go walking with me,,his response is always "I have walked enough at work today!" Then he turns…
  • I'm just gonna reply bases on what I do. I recently ordered a Zumba fitness dvd set and I LOVE IT! It's a very fast paced cardio workout that works every part of your body. It does burn about 536 calories in 1 60 minute workout. The stretch class is really up to you because I do my own based on other exercise videos that I…
  • Hello Everyone! I am also new here. My sister asked me to join this with her so that we could lose weight together. I have navigated just about every part of this site and love it! It's easy to use. I wish the best of luck to everyone in their goals! :smile: