I am 5'4" currently at 108, 20% body fat. Goal - maintain weight, and 16% body fat.
Thank you very much for all replies. Now I know which direction I should go. I will try to maintain my current weight (105 lbs) and lower few % of body fat, and will see how it goes with focus working out on abs. (and cut out my few piece per day of dark chocolate fruit from Costco, its hard to avoid when you open your…
It is a bad habit to get on scale after cheat day I know that but the scale just in my bathroom I see it everyday I can't stop getting on it :P Thanks for all replies I won't be worried too much about water retention and what scale says. Back to my normal diet now.....ta dammm.... -Cheers!! XXX
i eat pb everyday. love it!
You are amazing! Both pictures look very beautiful but after pic is the best :D