LannyM74 Member


  • For me the elliptical works. I've never had a diagnosis of arthritis but it certianly feels like it....both my knees are in pain regularly. There's always pain, but it's worse if I've been stationary for a while and then start to move, and often I wake in the night with pain and a feeling of my knees being 'locked'. I…
  • While I haven't had it as a result of exercise, I did experience it during a pregnancy. My doctor recommended seeing a massage therapist (I was very skeptical). One session made it go away. I was amazed by the results.
  • Pizza Hut breadsticks with cheese.
  • Personally, I burn about the same amount of calories on each for the same amount of time. But like you, I find that the elliptical seems easier. I think this comes down to the fact that the elliptical is much easier on your body. The fact that the treadmill wrecks my joints and makes me feel like crap doesn't mean that I'm…
  • MFP set me at 1200 cals a day and advised I eat back exercise calories. I always eat back my exercise calories and have been consistently losing weight since I started using MFP three months ago. If I didn't do this I would not have the energy to stay active. I've lost 15lbs which is an average of about 1.25 lbs a…
  • Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, (post has gotten too large to review every comment), but there's a school of thought that the hormones in todays meats are a huge culprit in the obesity epidemic. I'm not saying I'm 100% on board with blaming this as the only reason, but when you look at how many young kids are…
  • In terms of weight loss, the elliptical works for me. I have a heart rate monitor and according to it I am getting my heart rate up to 155-165 which is the same as I achieve on the treadmill. For me, that translates into about 100 calories burned for every ten minutes of hard work. I like the treadmill too but…
  • White bread. I could eat only white bread every day and be happy. I don't even need to put anything on it...although butter is awesome too!
  • I personally find that I get a more intensive workout from the elliptical (easier to get my heart rate up). But technically it all comes down to your heart rate. For me, a high intensity workout gets my heart rate up to about 155-165. My body will burn the same amount of calories whether I maintain that heart rate on a…
  • 30 mins on the elliptical for me (39 years old, female, 130lbs, 5'6", average pace 7.75 mph) is usually about 320cals on my HRM. MFP give me 275 cals and the elliptical says 390 cals.
  • I'm not looking for a quick fix. I simply want to choose the right program from the start and not overestimate its value. There are many programs design by 'professionals' that claim to be "all you need for a full body work-out". But I think it's fair to say that a lot of these programs have ambitious claims.
  • Well...I'm a 128 lb, 39 year old I'm not sure if I'll ever be squatting 300lbs x 25! LOL! But I thank you for your response.
  • My go-to is the Weight Watchers - Smart Ones Chicken Parmesan frozen dinner....the sodium is a bit high (630mg) but the low calories are a plus (290cals). The chicken and pasta really fill me up until dinner and it's really tasty. Plus there's 23g of protein! Their slow roasted turkey with mashed potatoes is good too and…
  • I get this if I eat anything too dry...crackers in particular.
  • I wasn't shocked by a specific food per se. But I was shocked to see that I often ate my entire daily recommended caloric intake in one meal. Sometimes I ate two meals a day that were each 1500-2000 plus calories! I was blissfully oblivious to just how many calories they contained. This usually involved Pizza Hut…
  • When I first started to run I developed blisters. I started wearing nylon footsies under my socks and that has done the trick for me. The rubbing takes place between the footsie and the sock...not my foot and the sock.
  • Might seem odd...but I freeze grapes and use them for my snack. I love them frozen! They don't become solid little balls like ice cubes...they become more like a hard ice cream. Takes me longer to eat them and it seems like more of a 'frozen treat'.
  • My personal favorite is running on the treadmill (if I can't get outside), but the elliptical kicks my butt way harder. According to my HRM I always burn off way more calories on the elliptical. I have read other people say that they find running is harder for them than the it seems to be a personal thing.…
  • For a late afternoon pick-me-up, (this is my danger period for succumbing to junk), I always find that two packs of cup of soup or a can of flaked white tuna in water will do the trick. I know the cup of soup has a gazillion mgs of sodium...but sometimes that's the trade off for a filling snack that's less than 150 cals. I…
  • Thanks everyone. To be clear...when I say 'women's workout area', I don't mean that it is the only area that women are expected to workout. It is just a separate area, primarily with cardio equipment and floor mats that gives women the option of getting their exercise away from the guys. For a lot of women this cuts down…
  • No these are definitely meant to ave the foam. It's very thin foam...presumably just to make the bars softer. I poked around online and these look similar: Still not sure how to use them effectively.