Sciatic nerve pain



  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    Edited to remove an OOPS post. :happy:
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    Gah. I was hoping to hear a miracle cure :ohwell: Right now my right leg is numb (lateral aspect) from my knee to my hip :sad: and it reallllly hurts.

    I rented a Rug Doctor last weekend & thought I'd clean the upholstery in my XJ cause it's never been done since I've been driving it for the past 10 years. Apparently having done deadlifts the day before & leaning over in an awkward position for a couple of hours was a deadly combination.

    I've been suffering since last Monday when I leaned the wrong way and it all went to hell really quickly. I'll try that pillow trick though.

    It occurred to me that I could use my steel boned corset to support my back, because I couldn't figure out which way I NOT to move until it was too late. I wore it for a day & the pain went away completely, didn't wear it for the second day & now not only does my back hurt, but it's accompanied by acute sciatic pain now (and of course there's that odd numbing of the skin, feels like I've got lidocaine on o___O )

    Hopefully the pillow trick will help me tonight.

    :frown: I have been in your shoes my friend. the first time I was in that much pain, I went to the hospital. I started physical therapy. After the first night of stretches, it was a HUGE improvement. That was 10 yrs ago. I didn't stick with the physical therapy, because I couldn't afford it at the time. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have any lingering numbness...but who knows. Best of luck...and maybe talk to you doc. :smile:
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    First step is to locate the problem
    Sciatic pain is a SYMPTOM
    It could be from a herniated disc, the sciatic nerve being compressed by the short external hip rotators, weakness in the stabilization engine of the spine leading to excessive compression, scoliosis, mis-aligned pelvic girdle, etc etc etc
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    First step is to locate the problem
    Sciatic pain is a SYMPTOM
    It could be from a herniated disc, the sciatic nerve being compressed by the short external hip rotators, weakness in the stabilization engine of the spine leading to excessive compression, scoliosis, mis-aligned pelvic girdle, etc etc etc

    Yes, I get that it's a symptom & there are a myriad of causes, and it would be great to find the root cause, however, I don't think my issue is something that can't be avoided. I hit my 1RM of my bodyweight the day before on DL and then spent about 3 hours bent in an awkward position steam cleaning the upholstery in my car. I"m for SURE something is misaligned causing compression, according to google, from the pattern of numbness & pain, it's L3 or L4.

    Although I lost 28# I have 20 more to go & I expect that once I get to that point, if this pops up again, it's time to look at herniated discs, etc.

  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    First step is to locate the problem
    Sciatic pain is a SYMPTOM
    It could be from a herniated disc, the sciatic nerve being compressed by the short external hip rotators, weakness in the stabilization engine of the spine leading to excessive compression, scoliosis, mis-aligned pelvic girdle, etc etc etc

    Yes, I get that it's a symptom & there are a myriad of causes, and it would be great to find the root cause, however, I don't think my issue is something that can't be avoided. I hit my 1RM of my bodyweight the day before on DL and then spent about 3 hours bent in an awkward position steam cleaning the upholstery in my car. I"m for SURE something is misaligned causing compression, according to google, from the pattern of numbness & pain, it's L3 or L4.

    Although I lost 28# I have 20 more to go & I expect that once I get to that point, if this pops up again, it's time to look at herniated discs, etc.


    L3 definitely! It starts right above right butt cheek and down to just above right knee.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    First step is to locate the problem
    Sciatic pain is a SYMPTOM
    It could be from a herniated disc, the sciatic nerve being compressed by the short external hip rotators, weakness in the stabilization engine of the spine leading to excessive compression, scoliosis, mis-aligned pelvic girdle, etc etc etc

    Yes, I get that it's a symptom & there are a myriad of causes, and it would be great to find the root cause, however, I don't think my issue is something that can't be avoided. I hit my 1RM of my bodyweight the day before on DL and then spent about 3 hours bent in an awkward position steam cleaning the upholstery in my car. I"m for SURE something is misaligned causing compression, according to google, from the pattern of numbness & pain, it's L3 or L4.

    Although I lost 28# I have 20 more to go & I expect that once I get to that point, if this pops up again, it's time to look at herniated discs, etc.


    L3 definitely! It starts right above right butt cheek and down to just above right knee.

    Thats mine also. Never goes below the knee for me.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    O crap.

    We're all in the same boat :ohwell: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
    Today I'm a wee bit better, the NSAIDs are helping a great deal...hope all goes well with everyone else. Though the numbness hasn't subsided, the skin feels less 'foreign' to me & I'm hoping that's a good sign:blushing:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Found this website that explains a few things that may help narrow the scope of what may be going on.

    So far, my back doesn't hurt at all anymore, however, my right quad is freekin so numb that I can feel a tightness and pulling if I sit the wrong way. Driving is hellacious, and I'm a dog walker, so I've been walking through all this silliness all. damn. week.

    I work for myself & I have no alternates, so no work = no $$ :huh:

    Walking hasn't hurt me at all, it's the driving....luckily all of my appointments are local but I still drive to each one (6-7 per day). By the end of the day, the last one is really uncomfortable.

    Anyhow, aspirin daily has helped and at least the nagging back pain is gone. Since I'm a little more comfortable, I started to look into stretches & massage to stop this and came across the following site, thought it may help someone.

    (acessing sciatic pain)
    (massage therapy for your quads)

    For the record, I failed the Straight Leg Test but passed the Piriformis test easily.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    L3 for me too!!
  • jassyjan1
    jassyjan1 Posts: 313 Member
  • LannyM74
    LannyM74 Posts: 25 Member
    While I haven't had it as a result of exercise, I did experience it during a pregnancy. My doctor recommended seeing a massage therapist (I was very skeptical). One session made it go away. I was amazed by the results.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    While I haven't had it as a result of exercise, I did experience it during a pregnancy. My doctor recommended seeing a massage therapist (I was very skeptical). One session made it go away. I was amazed by the results.

    Pregnancy was my first experience with it as well. I cried for days. Could'nt sit, couldn't lay was awful, but that was 17 yrs ago!

    Come to think of it, I had been around my current weight now. I'm 5' tall cw is 131 and my gw is 112 (pre-pregnancy weight). I sure hope a few more pounds will banish it forevah.

    I *did* massage my quad & it felt better temporarily. It looks like I'll have to rest myself for awhile though :cry: That's fantastic that you were able to find relief through massage:drinker: