Grow up people
You look great
My family
ya they r can see they r helping
I think that all this poster was trying to say was who cares what someone thinks about u u r doing this for u no one else it should not matter what u wear or look like or talk like don't judge we r all doing this for the same reason and therefore we should not judge
Great Job
All I can say is u r in this journey for yourself none else it should not matter what people think there is always going to be someone judging u no matter how u look be yourself do not care what others think
No one took anything out of content I think all we were saying was who cares don't judge take care of yourself if u have so much time to study someone so hard like it sounds like u did maybe u need to step your workout up maybe not u just should not be so quick to judge some people r comfortable in certain cloths u might…
All I am saying who cares what someone has on u r there for u not them u r there for the same reason they r so ignore what they have on if u do not like and go on someone might be thinking the same thing about u rather u r fat or skinny in the gym everyone is there for the same reason
I agree if u got time to study someone that hard what u r doing must not be a challenge
Focus on yourself not anyone else who cares what they r wearing a least they r making effort
Well said thank u
I wake up shaking sometimes if I eat it stops u might not be eating enough
Nice Job!
I need it too
u look great
I would like in I would like to lose 12 lbs
I am in I am going to try to walk 5 days a week for 30 min
I would like to know this too my coffee is about the same in the morning
I never get real skinny I am always thick stay between 150 and 160
Mine eats in front of me but wants me to lose and I try to tell him not to eat a whole bag of chips in front me he is getting better about it
I think so I get along better with guys than girls alot of the time
I was told to log it as 4.0 walking but not sure how close this is
Hope u feel better
I went on a different site and found it and then added to my exercise but I have seen people say dancing, aerobic general but I wanted to be close so I did it this way
It is very plain sorry u cannot understand common sense though if u read it it basically says I said I do not net 1200 not eat 1200 sorry u do not know how to read good luck to u to do not know why u r being so rude but if u r to me I will be to u But I am not a rude person so sorry if I sound rude but u were first all I…
It is my 4 year old thank you she is my reason for eveything I do along with her daddy
I agree why force yourself because someone who does not know u says that is what u need to eat