

  • Fruits and vegetables aren't causing you to gain weight. From a very cursory review of your food diary, you're underestimating your caloric intake and/or overestimating how many calories you're burning through exercise. Again, I didn't review it in great detail, but I saw little protein in your food log. However, your food…
  • This is a rather oversimplified answer, but ... provided you're consuming quality dietary fat and carbohydrate choices, your daily net caloric intake doesn't change drastically, and everything else in your regular training, diet, etc. regimen remain consistent, your listed macro shouldn't be an issue. I would recommend you…
  • Let go of the carb elimination mindset, or perhaps better stated, don't think of carb consumption in concrete terms when it comes to weight loss. In the interest of time and space, I'll provide a simplified answer. First, don't rely on percentages when it comes to your macros. Second, there is no set number, and there is…
  • I'm going to break-up your post into sections so it's easier to follow my reply to your questions... I would say 1g per pound of LBM should be the bare minimum; increasing that to even 1.5g per pound of LBM wouldn't hurt. In addition to being the most muscle-sparing and metabolic macronutrient, protein also has the…
  • Well, lean meats are ideally one of the best sources of protein, but since you're going meat free for a few weeks..... Other non-meat sources of protein: Eggs Cottage Cheese / Greek Yogurt Milk Legumes, lentils, rice Tofu Whey, Pea, Rice Protein supplements