I just want to be sure i'm doing this right

I followed the IIFYM Calculator and they determined macros to be 40p,35f,25c

I weigh 110 and want to get down to about 14% body fat. I'm at 18%. Does this sound about right? I burn about 700 calories each day according to my HRM. I eat 1500 net calories a day. I just don't know if i'm suppose to be eating that high of fat? Just need some insight.


  • I followed the IIFYM Calculator and they determined macros to be 40p,35f,25c

    I weigh 110 and want to get down to about 14% body fat. I'm at 18%. Does this sound about right? I burn about 700 calories each day according to my HRM. I eat 1500 net calories a day. I just don't know if i'm suppose to be eating that high of fat? Just need some insight.

    This is a rather oversimplified answer, but ... provided you're consuming quality dietary fat and carbohydrate choices, your daily net caloric intake doesn't change drastically, and everything else in your regular training, diet, etc. regimen remain consistent, your listed macro shouldn't be an issue.

    I would recommend you focus on ensuring you get at least 1 to 1.5g of protein per lb. of LBM. After that carb and fat intake amounts, provided they are coming from quality choices, depends on the person and a myriad of other factors. There is no magical percentage that will work for everyone; in fact, focusing on percentages is frequently something that steers people in the wrong direction. Ultimately, if your body functions well on whatever your nutrient intake (in terms of grams) is that results in the above macro, then I see no reason to change it.