Eating more veggies and fruits causing weight gain

I need support. i was at a perfect weight in December, took a medicine that cuased me to put on 10 pounds and stopped the medicine in January. I still haven't lost any of the weight, i eat amazingly and work out so much. It's all sitting in my belly. Any help?


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    If you're not eating at a deficit, you won't lose any weight. You can eat too many calories in good foods too; it's not necessarily WHAT you eat but HOW MUCH you eat.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Your subject line said "Eating more veggies and fruits causing weight gain." Your post says the medicine caused weight gain. Which was it?

    Anyway, talk to the doctor who prescribed the medicine. See what s/he has to say.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I flipped through your food diary, and it doesn't appear that you're consistent with logging every day, plus you go over the calorie target on some days that you do log. I only went through the past two weeks, but it appears that you really need to be more consistent in logging and making sure that you come in near your calorie target. (I've got the same problem - inconsistent logging plus overeating on some days.)

    It's not the eating more veggies and fruits that is causing the weight gain, it's the going over your calorie budget that's doing it.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Your medicine could be causing an increased appetite. Some medicines do. However if you aren't losing weight you might be eating at maintenance. If you eat what you're supposed to ( eat what you burn ), even if its fruits and veggies, you will not lose. You can gain weight on healthy foods if you eat more of it than you burn.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    If you are eating more calories then your body is burning, you will gain weight.

    If you are eating the same amount of calories each day as your body is burning, you will maintain weight.

    So right now, if your weight isn't changing, you are probably eating how many calories your body needs to maintain it's current weight each day.

    If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less then your body is burning.

    To find how many calories you are using each day, google "TDEE calculator". Try several different calculators from different website and enter information that is pertinent and accurate for you to find a general range. Then eat 200-250 calories less then that number to lose about a half pound per week. Make sure you accurately calculate the calories in your food by weighing and measuring everything. Also, peruse the forums for super helpful advice!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    The medication probably caused you to retain water & possibly cling to excess carbohydrates temporarily. Drink lots of water, eat at a minor deficit (0.5lbs/wk is plenty) & increase your ratio of protein & fat. Fruits & veggies on their own will not cause you to gain weight, but if you are especially sensitive to carbs & they are pushing your ratios out of proportion that could be problematic.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Fruits & veggies on their own will not cause you to gain weight

    NOT TRUE. Fruits and vegetables have calories. Eating excessive calories causes you to gain weight. Full stop.

    It is HARDER to overeat on fruits and vegetables, because you get more volume for your caloric buck and will get full hopefully before you get to your calorie max, but it's not remotely impossible. There are some fruits and vegetables that have higher calories and can sneak you into overages if you're deluding yourself into thinking because it's a fruit or vegetable it magically won't cause you to gain weight.
  • HabuBlue
    HabuBlue Posts: 5
    I need support. i was at a perfect weight in December, took a medicine that cuased me to put on 10 pounds and stopped the medicine in January. I still haven't lost any of the weight, i eat amazingly and work out so much. It's all sitting in my belly. Any help?

    Fruits and vegetables aren't causing you to gain weight. From a very cursory review of your food diary, you're underestimating your caloric intake and/or overestimating how many calories you're burning through exercise.

    Again, I didn't review it in great detail, but I saw little protein in your food log. However, your food log seems erratic and I saw a few entries that are questionable at best (e.g., on one day, part of your lunch meal included 10 cups of iceberg lettuce).

    I can't speak to the possible effects of the medicine, but if you want to lose weight, you need to have a decent idea of your daily caloric requirements and an accurate estimate of your daily caloric intake. Once you know these, you can track your progress and make adjustments to your caloric intake as required....