

  • same here - let me know what you find out but a PT told me the best way to lose fat is to run sprints. I try to do them on the elliptical probably not the same but it's the best I can do for now. What about cutting gel? GNC is selling it again but I don't know much about it.
  • This may go against the grain a little but here goes - don't get too hung up on the scale! 2 lbs is nothing and your weight can actually flucuate through the day 5 lbs or more. This is not ALL about the scale every day - I mean do you feel healthier? How do your clothes fit? Scales are a dangerous thing sometimes - a "body…
  • Hi Karyn - i'm pretty new to the site as well but loving it! It's a great to implement a principle we use in business a lot "That which is measured improves" - so the main thing is to be faithful and diligent in logging in and you will see improvement. It's a marathon and not a sprint so enjoy the journey and feel free to…