Lola2248 Member


  • Update So I have cut dairy, eggs, yeast, gluten, wheat from my diet. Wouldn't say I feel miraculously better, BUT the other day I was so badly prepared I grabbed a salad my OH had made, which had pasta in it. Ate it, no problems. Then an hour or so later I had stomach ache, and a bloated, empty stomach feeling I realised…
  • Food scale. I used to estimate, but now I weigh everything that goes in my mouth.
  • Thank you for all your input. Yes I have consulted my doctor. I already knew I reacted to bread and eggs, but ate eggs because of the protein. The blood tests have shown extreme reaction to the cows milk, eggs and wheat, and lesser with the beef, coconut, lamb, gluten and nuts. The tests were done in a morning on an empty…
  • Bananas can trigger migraines though, so be aware OP. I too suffer with migraines after exercise. I have to force myself to eat something good asap after workout. Also find dehydration a major factor. .. Do you know your food triggers for migraines? Me,I know I cannot eat eggs and yoghurt and do.heavy exercise as that will…
  • Work - Kelly Rowland Work B***H - Britney Spears What I did for love - Davud Guetta A little Party - Fergie & Qtip
  • I could quite easily sleep during the day. On a non work day I can fall asleep in an afternoon for over an hour.... I am thinking I don't rest. On a rest day I still try and walk. Does this count as a rest day? I don't go sweat it out in a gym, but my heart rate gets up. Or does rest mean do no exercise at all?
  • I think I'm just not getting enough good sleep. I'm trying to do a fit month and see if it kick starts my weight loss... so maybe things are out of balance a little. Almost weekend so I can rest more :-)
  • well done to you. You look fab
  • We have same goal weight and practically same starting weight :-)
  • Hi, I'm in! 12 weeks, I'd love to aim for 12lbs but struggle to lose so much... so being realistic... SW: 204 lbs Christmas GW: 194lbs Ideal GW : 168 lbs
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and advice. I think I might do a batch cook on Sunday. When I get home from work I don't feel like cooking dinner, nor do I feel like making lunch for the next day. I suppose if I put aside an hour or so on a Sunday and Plan what I am going to eat for the week, and cook it up, I can have a…
  • 35, starting weight 220, now 204, Ideal weight (for me) is around 160. Anyone feel free to add :-)
  • This is what I was looking for! Thanks (I know its an old thread, but thanks anyway)
  • great, I'm getting a nutribullet too so they can go in my smoothies! Thanks everyone
  • Yes my training sessions with my PT are strength training based with about 10-15 minutes of HIIT. I then go once by myself, focussing on strength training, and another time, cardio focussed.
  • Thanks for the advice! I didn't realise I was so high in carbs to be honest. As I don't eat red meat, and can't eat a lot of egg, I feel quite limited in the protein choice department. Think I need to get experimenting! And Nice idea with the milk. I might try that. I have black tea, but in coffee I have a splash of milk.
  • I'm hungry on 1550 lol. Like stomach rumbling hungry. And there were a few days last week I logged nothing as I was ill and didn't eat for 3 days. And then on Saturday I ate anything I felt like as I hadn't eaten for o long lol. But thank you, will note comments. Might lower for a few weeks.... See what happens
  • I do weigh almost everything, exception being if I am starving in work, and grab an apple, or nectarine I try and gauge it. I sometimes eat back exercise calories if I am hungry, but not religiously. I am 5' 6", 205lbs and 35.
  • Mine have clicked for years. If you put your hand flat on your shoulder can you feel the joint clicking? I can. as misschoppo said it isn't painful, just annoying. But I do find I have a weakness in that side, my arm and shoulder. Must be connected, but no idea what to do. And as it isn't painful, I don't worry about it.
  • fab, thanks for the range of advice. Its a mini heatwave here in the UK right now, so I'm not walking to work, so I am feeling sluggish. I am thinking of a cardio session tonight and Saturday, and PT (Strength focussed with occasional HIIT sections) on Thursday and Friday. I think it might be try and see what happens, as…
  • There is an issue with the Map my walk app which overestimates. I stick to MFP. But Map my walk is good for picking up the speed I walk, so I use that information to calculate on MFP.
  • thanks for the link. Yes my triggers are alcohol, so I don't drink, strong cheese, Bananas, yoghurt, eggs, some food colourings. Coffee doesn't trigger a migraine for me, but I can not drink it in the middle of an attack. I do think it could be hydration and sugar levels, so have bought lunch and also a snack to eat around…
  • That's very interesting. The two worst migraines I had after my PT sessions was after some heavy shoulder work I was doing. I will have to think about that one. Thanks for the information!
  • Yes I think the key is hydration. I have increased the amount of water I drink by an extra litre a day. So hopefully that will help. And I have heard this about coffee too. I will try that from now on. Thanks! :smiley:
  • Cool. I will see if I can get multi vitamins with potassium in.
  • Migraine. I have suffered with them for years, and only call a migraine a migraine. A bad headache is bad enough. A Migraine is excruciating.
  • I shall try that.... but I tend to use my Fitbit. But on the days I don't, and rely on MFP, I will try this. Thanks for advice :+1:
  • thanks everyone, it is occasionally, but I am monitoring it now to see how often I get it. and then I can see my doc and let him know how often it happens. In the meantime, I am having weak squash and that seems to be hitting the mark.
  • My calorie count is calculated with my Fitbit.... I thought this was accurate? And the weight training is actually my PT session. We do a mix of TRX, Push ups, core work, squats, lunges, weight training etc. Is this not the most accurate? I log it as 280 as the sweat dripping off me at the end, I feel the need to log…