

  • Mine go to the donation bins once I'm definitely too small for them. I don't just throw things away unless they're absolute garbage, I hate being wasteful. Once they're gone there's the feeling of "welp, no going back now or I have to buy fat clothes again".
  • I don't get much of it because I tend to intimidate people too much for them to outright say it (in all my 5'6" glory) but I do get the passive aggressive comments like "why are you losing weight?" "you shouldn't lose so much" and these weird glares. I lost weight because I was fat, goddamnit, I'm allowed to do what I want…
  • Bras, because I can't find 36AA! I'm thinking about switching to bralettes. Or bandaids. For some unfathomable reason I'm currently shedding weight from my upper body with great speed and my already itty bitty titties are packing up and leaving.
  • I generally don't see any difference in the scale for a couple of weeks and then suddenly I'm down two pounds over the course of a couple of days. Don't freak out too bad, the scale doesn't always give you the whole picture. Maybe try taking measurements as well?
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/145822-when-you-post-pictures-on-the-forum
  • Any address you copy should have .gif on the end for it to work. http://i56.tinypic.com/169knzo.gif becomes:
  • Can't use capital letters. Should be [ img ]http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/8-09-2013/ifSHtZ.gif[ /img ] without the spaces.