getting rid of clothes...

As I lose weight and start to see better results(I noticed today how much better my one size smaller than normal skinny jeans fit and look! yay!) I am tempted to just immediately throw away all the clothes that are getting too big for me.

Has anyone done this and felt even more motivated to keep going?


  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I have enjoyed getting rid of clothes....but didn't dare do it until I was two sizes down :)

    I sold some things, but that got to be a pain so I have just been donating the rest to a thrift store.
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    I pack mine away into give away bags. These bags stay at floor of closet for a couple of months and then graduate to the garage, getting ready to get out of the house!:laugh:
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    I just did that today!! I don't ever want to wear those clothes again, and now that they are no longer flattering on me, it's time to take back the real estate in my closet to make room for the new smaller clothes :)
  • rkkid
    rkkid Posts: 8
    Mine go to the donation bins once I'm definitely too small for them. I don't just throw things away unless they're absolute garbage, I hate being wasteful.
    Once they're gone there's the feeling of "welp, no going back now or I have to buy fat clothes again".
  • FitnessMeagan1105
    FitnessMeagan1105 Posts: 57 Member
    I pay it forward. I give it to people that I know that cab wear the clothes. Or I donate it.
  • kayleighadrianne
    kayleighadrianne Posts: 9 Member
    Well when I said "throw away" I really meant donate, but throw away as in get them out of my space :) Of course I wouldn't just throw perfectly good clothes in the trash lol...I purged my closet a little bit yesterday and got rid of 2 pairs of jeans that no longer fit. It felt great and made me feel 100x more motivated today!
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I definitely pack them up when they get "to big" and donate them. It's helped in the past when I dropped a size and was motivation to not go up again because I did not want to buy bigger.

    I also kept all my clothes from when I was thinner, so a I pack away the "to big" stuff, I am unpacking the smaller stuff. Unfortunately some of them are a little outdated, but fashion circles back around again, right?
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    My closet always had a variety of sizes in it and it seems I always eventually gained the weight back and ended up using every size! NOT THIS TIME! I donate all clothes as they become too big. I've been buying really inexpensive clothes along the way (and stole a few pair of pants from my teenage daughters!) but haven't gone out and bought a new wardrobe or anything because I still have a few more pounds to lose.

    The way I look at it, by getting rid of the old baggie clothes I'm more committed to maintenance. Oh, and the other thing I'm avoiding is buying stretch clothes that allow you to be a couple sizes larger than you think you are! I love love love stretch, but you can be 20lbs heavier without even really knowing!
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    I have done this, and it is a reminder of the achievements you have made.
    This winter I had an operation which has meant I have been unable to excercise, I got myself down and have put on a stone, my new clothes still fit but I don't have to wear a belt with them any more.

    It is a reminder that I need to be positive again and eat better and get out and excercise, should my body let me (still have pains from operation).
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I've started a collecting my too big clothes in a garbage bag on the floor of my closet. There isn't much in there yet but I will either take them to a friends garage sale this summer or just donate them. I have a few things I am setting aside to be altered to fit once I reach my goal, but that's only my nicest pieces that I love.

    I've held on to things in the past and I think this has allowed me to slip back. I've recently discovered a shocking amount of jeans in an array of sizes and can't wait to get a few pairs of those out of my house forever! Almost there :-)

    I've read some people have luck selling buddles of clothes on ebay, grouped into sizes. If you have nicer clothes, this might be something to consider too.