

  • I love it when people run their mouths and act like experts about things they haven't even researched (let alone tried) and instead just spread myths. Btw, spanx doesn't do the same thing a corset does. Spanx takes in fat and maybe some flesh. Corsets take in the lower "floating" ribs. Corsets cannot be replaced with spanx…
  • I think the theory is that food sitting around in your stomach can't be good for metabolism. And maybe if it digest faster, and you eat more, than your metabolism increases? Not claiming this as fact. I just think a lot of people think this based on those people that eat, eat, eat all the time but are still skinny as heck.…
  • This thread makes me glad I'm a lesbian. If I were straight, and after reading this, I would be scared that some hussy would come along and target me because of my non competitive nature, then steal my husband and eat my children.
  • A lot of people are relating jealousy/envy too insecurity. Am I the only one who's incredibly insecure and never felt jealousy or envy? I agree with a previous poster who related it to a competitive nature. I was never able to understand competition, so maybe that's why? I always have good thoughts about everyone until…