Vixenpig Member


  • hi tracej, how you today?
  • dont be down, everyone is entitled to have a day off and eat what they want and how every much they want. Main point is did you enjoy yourself last night? and was the food good? lifes to short so go out and have fun just within reason
  • Hi coxyrach100, just wanted to say hi the number of calories depends on how much exercise you currently do/ plan to do. most people who wish to lose weight try to cut down on their calorie intake and only eat about 1500 calories or less. but to be honest you should be more focused on the exercise and moving more as this…
    in Hi!! Comment by Vixenpig January 2010
  • Hi everyone, what do you think is the best exercise on the wii fit and wii fit plus games to burn max calories Vixen Pig xx