

  • I use Walden Farms ranch and honey dijon and I enjoy both of them. I don't know how it can be zero everything but it is.
  • Your problem in a word is looking at your food diary you are going way over on your sugar intake.
  • I've lost 24 pounds in 23 weeks. Ya gotta love MFP.
  • My sweet tooth treat is a Strawberry Sundae Breyers - Carb Smart Ice Cream Vanilla, 1/2 cup Cool Whip - Whipped Topping - Free, 2 tbsp Smuckers Sugar Free - Strawberry Jam, 2 tablespoon 125 Calories 26 Carbs 6 Fat 2 Protein 5 Sugar 50 Sodium With a spoon break up and stir the jam to make it more like a sauce before topping…
  • Wow I want to shop where y'all shop. I'm 5'5" and at my heaviest, 180 lbs, I wore size 16 jeans, slacks and capris and extra large tops. I am now 159 lbs and just barely able to get into some size 12's in pants and med. (size 12 tops) but I know I'm not yet a true size 12.
  • You began this journey because it was something you wanted to do for put on your big girl pants and stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back to the task at it for you! And you are never without someone to support you on this site and you sure aren't dieting…
  • Ice cream Pasta
  • I just completed the first leg of my journey (1 week) and I am learning so much. I know now I must read food labels, be aware of everything I eat and I must shop wisely. Eating out is still a problem but at least I can control my behavior at home. After 1 week the scale rewarded me with a 3 pound loss, which is 3 times my…
  • I don't know my body at all.................that's why I am using this site to help me undo the abuse of too high blood sugar and those extra pounds I need to lose. Before I started using this site I grazed all day eating anything I wanted............and all the wrong things. Now I am more aware of what I am eating and I…
  • Just got back from supermarket and some good old fashioned label reading............what an eye opener!
  • Thanks for the good wishes. My biggest problem, and the one I want to conquer is blood sugar is elevated and and was my doctor's only concern. He said I needed to monitor my sugar intake and that's how I found this site. Congrats on your weight loss, keep up the good work.