Someone critique my diary?



  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Overall I see some great choices in there - kudos to you.

    Now the critique, (but first my disclaimer - this is just what works for me and is only my non-professional opinion, so take it or leave it).

    I would change your macros to 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% protein. Ideally, you want to eat about a gram of protein per lb of body weight to help preserve lean muscle tissue as you lose weight - otherwise as the pounds go down you are losing both fat AND precious, hard to earn muscle. (I also recommend strength training 3-4x week with HEAVY HEAVY weights to also help preserve lean tissue).

    For carbohydrates - you want complex - 100% whole wheat bread (good job), brown rice, veggies, etc... Stay away from simple carbohydrates or refined carbohydrates - white bread, white rice, candy, chips, cookies, your butter crackers (wink) etc....

    For fat - try to get it from healthy sources - nuts or olives and their oils and fish.

    For protein - lots of lean meat - usually fish or poultry or eggs (egg whites) though plain yogurt and nuts can be a source too. or you can continue supplementing with a whey shake or something. Check your yogurt - I'm not a fan of aspartame - not sure if your strawberry yogurt has it or not - I know that Chobani greek yogurt does not use aspartame as a sweetener - but I'd stay away from the fruit varieties because they are high in sugar.

    speaking of which - you are smart to track your sugar - all sugar. I too, limit my fruits (yes fruits ARE healthy - will save this argument for another thread). Keep your sugar to 10% of your calories or less. You calories x 0.1 = this number. This number divided by 4 = # of sugar grams you can have in a day.

    Drink lots and lots and lots of water.

    I also find it helpful to try to eat lots of fiber - mostly through veggies, sweet potato, beans, or steel cut oats.

    I'm not perfect by any means - but my diary is open also if you'd like to fish around for ideas. I have some "bad" days in there too though - you've been warned.

    Good luck! :)
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    Vegetables are so unappealing to me. I do like a side of green beans, broccoli, peas, carrots, potato. I am mostly a fruit eater and dairy eater, which is not good!!

    I'd love to eat more vegetables and cut out the dairy and sweets. They are just so unappealing to me.
  • lindaj13
    lindaj13 Posts: 30
    Your problem in a word is looking at your food diary you are going way over on your sugar intake.
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    Your problem in a word is looking at your food diary you are going way over on your sugar intake.

    Although not in my recent entries, my sugar intake is due mostly to milk and fruit.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Here's a link for you:

    Check it out! Someone gave it to me my first week on MFP and it helped me soooo much!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Firstly, I agree with the advice from WifeMomDVM.

    How tall are you? If you are close to your goal weight then you may need to reduce your calorific deficit (up the cals a bit) to ensure you aren't losing LBM.

    You say you exercise 3 times a week. What does this consist of? You aren't recording this in your diary so you obviously aren't eating back exercise cals. This could be creating too much of a deficit depending on exercise length/intensity/type.

    Are you sure you're logging everything accurately? weighing or not? Or have been doing long enough that you can generally eyeball weights?

    Re eating crackers etc: just because you eat these doesn't mean you will put on weight. You need to eat more than your maintenance cals to put on weight. You could eat the "clean" food only (lean meats/fruit/veggies) and go over your maintenance calories and you will put on weight. maintenance cals is NOT your 1470 target. Most likely around 2100 I would estimate.

    Lots of takeaway food in there. It can be ok if you fit it into your calorie/maco goals but I would still try to limit it to special occasions where possible.
  • laurelei09
    laurelei09 Posts: 32 Member
    If you haven't used the Tools section to eyeball your BMI and BMR, that might help. I also depend on the smart phone features (charts and reports) a lot. Keeps me in line.