girllizzard Member


  • August 8= 7.5 August 9=6 Grand total=29.5
  • The suggestions above, especially from BrianSharpe sound good. I'd also suggest a very basic yoga class or DVD or other exercise class or tape meant for a sore back. That might speed things along.
  • Stats: 8/1 close to zero 8/2 3 K 8/3 3 K 8/4 3 K 8/5 1 K 8/6 2 K 8/7 4 K Total=16 All numbers are estimates, but should be pretty close. (a lot of this is walking the dog)
  • Hello, everyone. I'm a new entrant here. Trying to do 7 or so km each day, so I should make it. I love to walk and can't run any more (arthritis) so I'm training to race walk. Any race walkers here?
  • BTW, I'm 64 and try to be active with women about 15 years younger than I am.
  • I'm 5' 1/2". I've gradually gone from 132 to 117. I'm back on MFP to work on five more. I realize that I've changed what I consider my "danger" level on the scale. It used to be 130 then it was 127, then about 122, now it's more like 118. I didn't set out to do this, but it has worked well. My goal was to be active with…
  • I came back for some fine-tuning. Would like to lose another 5 pounds and keep my muscle mass and work my ab muscles and arm muscles. My preretirement field is public health/health promotion, so wanting to stay healthy comes naturally. Staying that way is a bit of work.
  • Oh, I forgot that one of my goals is to find something healthy to munch on if I get a munch attack. I have broccoli chunks and peeled carrots that I can grab if I need to. Also nice crunchy apples. I'm hoping to have great teeth after a few months ;)
  • So far, no mindless munching in the evening. OK, it's only 8 PM, but I'm leaving the kitchen. Congratulations Jeannieclark84. Those work events are killers when you want to eat healthily (not sure that's a word). Now I'm retired and have a kitchen by me all day. Husband eats pretty healthy food, but there is ice cream and…
  • Good goal for the week. Like our fearless leader, I have events coming up that encourage me to track, including showing up in a wetsuit in May when there is a camera crew around. If I stick to exercise and my calorie budget, I'll be fine.
  • Youtube exercise videos are great. There is something for everybody out there. I haven't tried the one mentioned, but will tomorrow. I have a good yoga video, some Leslie Sansone and a Jillian Michaels abs video that is just plain horrid. (Effective, I would think.)
  • I see I forgot to post what I'll be giving up or adding. Giving up late day snacking - a little is OK if I'm hungry, then I'll do something else. I'll be adding more exercise. I've joined a yoga class which I really like, and will be doing daily exercise. I always think I walk every day, but find that I don't unless I work…
  • When I think I want sweets, I make sure that I have had at least 3 pieces of fruit that day first. Dried fruit isn't a great substitute because it's easy to overeat on it.
  • Hello - a late joiner, but happy to be with you. I'm Elizabeth, rejoined MFP just yesterday. I had to give up running a couple of years ago and am still coping with weight issues since. I eat a plant based diet, for both health and ethical reasons, but live with omnivores so I do a lot of cooking. I garden, do yoga and…
  • We're having meat pie for supper (mine's veggie) and cherry pie for dessert, in appropriate portions of course. I may not commemorate the death of Caesar, however, with such enthusiasm. Perhaps skewered meat? Ewwwwww.
  • I ssume you mean 200 degrees Celsius.
  • I did 3.5 miles today. I hope this is easy.
  • I just joined MFP and think this is a great idea. My posting may be irregular because of travel, but this should keep me walking! girllizzard
  • Above post from girllizzard was meant to be a reply to tyty76. Sorry - I hit wrong button.
  • Hey! This gal kept running until she was 60 and the arthritis in my knees made me stop. No, not caused by running acc. to my orthopedist. It is possible that joint issues or heart disease might make it not feasible for someone in his or her 50's to run, but plenty of folks have started or continued at those ages. I miss it…