Beginners Challenge.... 50 miles in August



  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I already updated once today but I did another mile just for the heck of it before I did weight training. :)

  • saranevans
    saranevans Posts: 63 Member
    Goal is 50 miles.

    8/1: 3.56 miles
    8/2: 1.72 miles
    8/4: 3.05 miles
    8/5: 1.6 miles

    Total: 9.93 miles
    Left to go: 40.07 miles.
  • tphil58
    tphil58 Posts: 89 Member
    A little behind but had a really busy weekend. I will get there!!!

  • aesuter
    aesuter Posts: 310 Member
    August 5: 1.94 miles

    August total: 4.84 miles

  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    Wow - everyone is doing so well, I feel like such a slacker, have to take it up a notch or two this week :embarassed:

  • ar157
    ar157 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll give this a go too! Been looking to increase my mileage and this might be the motivation I need. Just did my first 3 mi. run this today on the C25k.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member

  • girllizzard
    girllizzard Posts: 21 Member
    I just joined MFP and think this is a great idea. My posting may be irregular because of travel, but this should keep me walking! girllizzard
  • girllizzard
    girllizzard Posts: 21 Member
    I did 3.5 miles today. I hope this is easy.
  • ill try it too
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    13.21 miles so far this month.
  • mommarobb
    mommarobb Posts: 80 Member

  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    I'm back in, and I am determined to hit 50 this month. I keep getting so close, but either the weather or being super busy keeps me from reaching my goal.

    8/1 - 3.5 miles
    8/3 - 2.14 miles in the am
    - 2.89 miles in the pm
    8/5 - 3.14 miles


  • exercise.png
    August 3rd 3 miles
    August 4th 3.5 miles
    August 5th 4.37 miles
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member

  • tphil58
    tphil58 Posts: 89 Member
    Plugging along!

  • saranevans
    saranevans Posts: 63 Member
    Goal is 50 miles.

    8/1: 3.56 miles
    8/2: 1.72 miles
    8/4: 3.05 miles
    8/5: 1.60 miles
    8/6: 3.00 miles

    Total: 12.93 miles
    Left to go: 37.07 miles.

    I'll add a ticker before the months over, I promise lol
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    Sun. Aug. 4
    -forced myself to walk 2.01 miles with my husband around the neighbourhood before going to the Urgent Care Clinic for my finger injury at 8:30pm as I thought we might be there for a long time & it would be too late to walk after
    -Urgent Care Clinic was pretty fast so had my husband drive me to the lake after we left the clinic to go for another walk even though my finger started giving me pain after they splinted it
    -didn't have my GARMIN Forerunner Watch or my husband's GPS so don't know exact miles we walked but had husband attempt to google earth our walk after the fact & he said it was about 2.89 miles

    Mon. Aug. 5
    -walked 4.43 miles with my husband (really had to push myself to do that many miles at once)

    Tues. Aug. 6
    -husband planned out today's walk which was nice except that he had us walk even farther than yesterday & yesterday pushed me more than enough so he nearly killed me today as we walked 4.82 miles & that was only because he asked me if I wanted to take a short cut on the way back of which I said YES otherwise we would have walked about 5 miles total with for me is A LOT!!!!!
    -I've gone from pushing myself to do 2 miles a day last month to doing between 2 and 5 miles a day this month!!!!

  • Butterflykisses123
    Butterflykisses123 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you very much for your help!!

    You're welcome, I'm glad it worked! :)

    I forgot to check in yesterday, but I walked 2.25. Ran 5.06 this morning.

  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    im at 7.8 miles walking. just updating for my own good. i know its not necessary and im sure no one could care less. just saying. so i can keep track.