

  • If theres someone who can do it certainly you are the man. You have some knowledge about how your body works and the things that agree with it so you have some powerful weapons by your side. Get in and get sweaty is my motto
  • Welcome and dont think big goals. Remember lifestyle change not dieting. Take it easy and you will get there. If you need any help or inspiration give me a shout i will try to be as active as i can on this forum.
  • It's just 100/200 cals in deficit. You cant expect miracles. Do you track everything?? Have green tea in the morning, but after the kettle boils leave it for 6 min before putting the tea bag in( less caffeine gets released) that will help your weight loss. Keep walking and chill you will feel better just because you are…
  • Well done for taking and important step in your life. Remember you are starting a new life not a diet. Feel free to add me so we can have a chat about how things are going
  • Thats what i did. I used to have 2 teaspoons of sugar in coffe and milk. Now i have none and no biggie. I also quit smoking in this time and i just eased into things. Yeah sometimes i feel like is a never ending battle but be a little crazy. Look in the miror flex your muscles and say " i am awesome and i can do this"…
  • Start small. Introduce more activity in your day. Lower your calories but not all the way through. If your maintenance is 2600 lower to 2400 first week and then work you way back down every week