sandrajessica Member


  • EXTREMELY embarassed to say that Britney really gets me going (and trust me, when I'm running is the ONLY time she gets me going) and Black Eyed Peas! Both guilty pleasures....dont judge. I know what you mean - I absolutely NEEED good tunes to run. Florence & The Machine's "Dog Days are Over" is good for the…
  • I have NEVER been a runner and am using the C25K program to start. It's great. Really hard the first week - but I completed Week 2 Day 1 yesterday and was surprised by how good I felt! I signed up for a 5K in October to motivate myself. You should sign up for one! It's a great way to get motivated :) I think that walking…
  • Good luck everyone!! I'm starting Week 2 Day 1 tonight - I'm pumped but anxious. I ran outside on W1D3 for the first time (vs treadmill) holy shin splints! Definitely different than the treadmill. BUT - last time I checked - 5K's were held outside and not on my treadmill :) So I'll have to get used to it. Anyone else have…
  • I was doing treadmill and then hit up the road on my week 1 day 3 workout - holy difference! Definitely harder on my calves and ankles. I also found that I ran at a faster pace when I was outside because I couldn't really keep track of it as well as on the treadmill. But that's good right? I am training for 5K which are…
  • I started it last week! I'm starting Week 2 tomorrow. It's rough! Are you doing treadmill or road?
  • I run into this problem ALL. THE. TIME...and I would like to tell you to JUST DO IT - but that doesnt work for me either. When I dont wanna - I DONT WANNA. But, what does work for me when I'm feeling like this - is HOUSEWORK! I know it sounds lame, but put on some tunes or turn on your favorite show and... pick up clutter…