jayjay12345654321 Member


  • Canned salmon or chicken breast. When you do eat tuna, get the chunk light, not the albacore. Albacore (white tuna) has three times as much mercury and isn't recommended more than three times a month. Chunk light can be eaten 1-2 times a week for an adult. The salmon, on the other hand, is low on contaminents, is…
  • In the very beginning, I wasn't sure what gluten was, so I just cut out everything except produce until I could figure it out. Then I never went back. I think what has helped is that, not only did my energy levels spike, I lost my last 35 pounds without trying and I discovered so many things I would not have ordinarily…
  • Supposedly, it makes you feel full. It comes as a program where you move up to stage 2, then stage 3, with each stage the sprinkle becoming stronger somehow. It's said to be an appetite suppressant. A friend of mine lost 100 lbs. while using it, though I can't say if that's why she lost the weight. It's very pricey,…
  • Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and converted to acetate. Acetate is pure energy, so if it's there, your body will shun that stack of 2am buttered pancakes and syrup at IHOP because it doesn't need no stinkin' carbs. It has acetate, and it loves how easy it is to burn acetate. Why bother breaking down butter fats,…
  • Alcohol is metabolized to acetate in the liver which is pure energy. Our bodies LOVE:heart: pure energy because it's so easy to burn. Just keep in mind, any other calories you consume will be unnecessary for energy use and stored, so keep your food calories reasonable. Stick to proteins and avoid sugary carbs, which will…
  • Whose to say they are being honest about the calories in the cooked chicken? You have to understand, the manufacturer chose what to be analyzed. The only portion of all of the chicken sold that ever measured exactly like the nutrition facts is that one 3 oz sample. Maybe there was no skin or little skin when it was…
  • In for the answer. I was injured 3 months ago and though I've lost weight, it's been mostly muscle from not being able to walk. I'm 5'8" and 134 lbs. but my BF% has hit an all time high of 35%, so I'm interested in this, too.
  • I was shocked when I learned years ago that a blooming onion from Outback Steakhouse has 2000 calories in it, 160 grams of fat and over 4000 milligrams of sodium. And that doesn't count the dipping sauces they bring with it. I know it's meant to be shared, but it's an onion!
  • I do the same thing with my calories that I do with my alarm clock. I set it wrong. My clock is 5 minutes ahead because I know I'm going to hit snooze when it goes off, and I don't want to get up late, so I set it fast. I set my calories lower than they are supposed to be because I know I am going to go over when I try to…
  • One of my favorites is chia seeds. I put 2 tablespoons (2 servings) in my protein drink then drink it down when it's still crunchy. It has 60 cals per 1 serving and the carbs are entirely fiber, so a net of 40 calories per serving. 3 grams protein and 3 grams poly fat per serving, so using 4 tablespoons a day, I get 12…
  • Babynew, here's some reading you can do on iodine and veganism from The Vegan Society if you'd like it http://www.vegansociety.com/lifestyle/nutrition/iodine.aspx Editorgrrl, thanks for letting me know. Mine told me to avoid gluten because the molecule is easily mistaken for that in the thyroid, and if I should so happen…
  • If you're not going vegan for reasons other than losing weight, I would suggest sticking with vegetarian. Add egg whites back into your diet. I used to buy the 5 dozen pack and boil them to snack on the egg whites during the day. Each egg gives you about 6 grams of protein, so it would be easy to reach your protein goal…
  • Your friend sounds like she has major food hangups. Probably not the best person to take seriously on nutrition.
  • It looks like you're eating a maintenance. You take in between 1700-2000 calories a day on average, so there's no reason for your body to burn fat for energy. You'll need to reduce your calories to a deficit. Also, the fluctuation may be your sodium intake. I saw several high sodium items in your diary, but I can't know…
  • It's a grain, so look for it in the same aisle as the rice and cous cous.
  • I have always loved avocados, but when I was pregnant with my first daughter the smell of them was as gross as the thought of eating one. After she was born, I loved them again. My daughter, on the other hand, has disliked the flavor all of her life. Some things are just genetic! If you want to give it another try, find…
  • A dramatic increase in fiber too suddenly can cause bloating. Your body will adapt in a few weeks, but if the bloating is bothering you, eliminate one or two fibrous foods (likely going to be a grain or veggie, but check your diary to see who the big offenders are). Slowly work them back in and you'll be fine if that's the…
  • *Jiffy Peanut Butter Vs. Organic All Natural Peanut Butter - probably not in calories, but in preservatives maybe. Check the sugar, though. *Ice Cream Vs. Skinny Cow ice cream/ greek ice cream - i haven't tried Skinny Cow, but the name seems like fewer cals? *pancakes Vs. Cream of wheat - mainly dependent on do you use…
  • Have you significantly increased your fiber intake?
  • Hi, OP. I don't want to read 8 pages of bickering, so if this has been answered already, I apologize. Breast tissue does not melt away like fat elsewhere on your body does. That being said, it's entirely possible extra fat is being stored in your breasts and your current cup size is not just breast tissue, but plain and…
  • Agreed. Mine area a whopping 15 calories and I don't gag trying to choke down a horse pill.
  • I wouldn't make anything lower in fat or calories. But I'd add lots more protein to all fruits and veggies!
  • I read the lady's blog from the original post. I can understand why she is so against the diet she was on. She did a very poor job of balancing her diet. She crammed herself into a monotonous corner of the same stuff day after day. Anything would have been better. Dirt, leaves and cow tongue would have been better. Eating…
  • If I take a multi that has iron in it, it makes me sick to my stomach. I also get very hot and flushed and have to wait an hour for the side effects to settle down. I switched to something more gentle, Nutrition Now Women's Gummies. It doesn't contain iron, and I haven't had any side effects since I changed. I get enough…
  • I got my first Graze box today. The snacks are so good! Not bad for free. :tongue: :tongue:
  • 2-3 hours. This gives the food time to move out of the stomach and gets you past the initial insulin spike we get after a meal so that your body can begin production of HGH on time after you go to sleep. It can only produce either insulin or HGH at one time.
  • I always went wild when I ate fish. This comparison doesn't say anything about color, but farm raised salmon is pale pink, then color is added to make it look like wild salmon which is a deep, dark color. They're close, but if you have access to both, go with the wild. Since you're not near the water anymore, you might…
  • If you're under calories, one or more of your macros is not fulfilled. Since MFP sets protein oddly low for most people, try making a beverage with a scoop of protein powder in it, or see which macro is under goal and find something to match it.
  • That's essentially a 9 hour window, or a 15:9. The time between noon and 6pm isn't long enough to be considered part of your fast.
  • What are you disagreeing with? I didn't give any advice at all. I told him only he knows what's best for him.