

  • Almost through my HELL WEEK! It really hasnt been near as bad as i thought it was gonna be! Having my hubby home helps out a lot.... Hopefully things are still smooth sailing when he goes back to work. And i have noticed a HUGE difference in my anxiety levels since quitting. Almost cut in half! I have been looking in the…
  • Im wanting to stop smoking but terrified of the possible withdrawls. I start thinking too dang much about the what ifs and never do it. Even though ive seen what itll do in the long run. Ive thought about accupuncture for my anxiety but wasnt sure if it really works or not. How effective is it really? Im not one to take…
  • I know whatcha mean! Im nervous at the thought of IVF and my anxiety only makes it worse! Lol! It'll be here before u know it!!! :) use these weeks wisely but dont be hard on urself! Uve got this maam!!!
  • I would really like to edit the mame of this topic but it is no possible. Would like to delete the PCOS part of it. I want everybody to feel comfortable posting here and joining the discussion for support!
  • Hey! Yes maam..... All fertility sucks, no matter what the cause. It is so unfortunate that so many of us have to experience such a horrible thing. December?!?!?!?! How exciting! :) We need all the support we can get! Its nice to have it from others that know what you are going through! Looking forward to us motivating and…
  • Girl YES WE CAN!!!!! And i ment down to 180 which is my first goal and would be more than happy to be there! My "healthy range" is 145-150 but im too thick for all that (naturally big boobs and butt). I just want to be healthy!!!! So glad to hear you are rexovering well!!!! :)
  • Sorry I just seen your post. It's so FRUSTRATING and insane how crazy our bodies work. Girl, you are always busting your *kitten* and I just know that you will reach your goal in that amount of time! I'm hoping to be down atleast 180 before we attempt IVF. (I'm only 5-3) So.... HERES TO US REACHING OUR GOALS BY THE…
  • Tons of baby dust your way!!!!! Fingers crossed this is your month!!!:wink:
  • Well hello! I have posted on another topic in this group but just noticed that it is not very active at all. Hopefully we can motivate each other to get to where we want to be before we are hopefully blessed with the amazing gift of getting pregnant (and staying preggers for 9 months). Here is what I posted previously...…
  • Oh the joys of pcos (sarcasm at its strongest)! My name is Nikki and I was diagnosed about 5 years ago after ttc with no success for 2 years following a mc due to low progesterone. I was on met for about 6 months and could not handle the side effects i had from it. Attempted 3 un monitored cycles of clomid with my gyno...…
  • My favorite go to snacks are baby carrots with hummus and low fat string cheese with grapes just to name a couple. In my opinion, Pinterest is the BEST when it comes to finding new ideas! You should check it out! Lots of cool ideas! Ive got an awesome strawberry vinegarette recipe that i will share with u as soon as i can…
  • Magnolia Texas here!!! Oh man do I agree with you! We all do (im sure)! Potato chips will almost get me every time.
  • I am looking to lose 61 pounds and would love to be friends! Would love to help motivate you and help you along your journey! This weight loss thing is such a tricky, frustrating thing to do!!!! WE CAN ALL DO IT!!!!!
  • I too am new here! Today is my first day!!! WELCOME :) I have 61 pounds to loose and would love to be yall's buddy and help anyway I possibly can!