November1954 Member


  • I lived in Iowa for about 10 years. Before that was born and raised in Illinois, so I'm a Mid-Westerner at heart. I'm in New Hampshire now, so I haven't gotten away from the cold. I have been hibernating and eating all winter and am ready to start losing winter weight. Feel free to add me to your list.
  • I too have that problem. I have started to hide food and binge when I'm alone. I know I have a problem, but don't know what to do about it. I'm like you in that I only have about 15 lbs to lose and vitals are good. But I seem to keep losing the same 10 lbs or so over and over. I'm hoping having this forum with give me the…
  • Just came back also. I'm from NH, 59 years old,would like to lose 15 lbs. As I've gotten older, my motivation seems to be gone, plus it is more difficult to lose the weight. Hopefully finding new friends will help with the motivation I need.
  • I am having the same problem with my boyfriend. I am trying to lose 20 lbs. that I have gained over the two years due to to shoulder surgeries and being off of work for six months for each incident. I stayed with parents during this time. My mom is constantly trying to get me to eat with them but their menus are not…