New to MFP from Iowa

Hello everyone!

I will preface this by saying I pretty much suck at openings and introductions. I actually signed up early last year for this site but health issues got in the way last year. Now that that's over, I'm ready to start this journey of keeping fit and hopefully staying out of the hospital.

Let's see, I'm 32 and a web developer & graphic designer who typically hibernates in the winter (I hate this cold!). I'm pretty much one big sarcastic nerd I suppose.

I'm just looking for friends to chat with, to motivate, or whatever really. So yeah, feel free to add me/message me!



  • Lovethepixies
    Are you really a hawkeye? I have spent a lot of time at the U of Iowa hospital, tho have never lived there. Feel like I know that town, been there over 20xs in last 7 years.
  • hawkeyedave1981
    Oh yeah I love the Hawkeyes. I live probably 5 miles from campus.
  • kncybul
    kncybul Posts: 13
    Hi dave, add me as a friend. I'm trying to lose a lot more than you. I'm a freaking accountant that sits at a desk all day long and I like to eat at Publix' fried food counter.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Go Hawks!! I'm in Iowa!!
  • Tamera91
    Tamera91 Posts: 9
    I'm living in Nebraska now, but I was born and raised in Iowa! Feel free to add me

    Good luck!
  • November1954
    November1954 Posts: 4 Member
    I lived in Iowa for about 10 years. Before that was born and raised in Illinois, so I'm a Mid-Westerner at heart. I'm in New Hampshire now, so I haven't gotten away from the cold. I have been hibernating and eating all winter and am ready to start losing winter weight. Feel free to add me to your list.
  • Lovethepixies
    We got stuck there last year due to the flood and another time we were there it flooded and took us forever to get back to Chicago. I love the college town and spirit.