

  • I think setting goals is great, but in the process try not to stress about them too much. I have found myself doing that, wanting a certain amount of pounds in a a certain time. My first encounter with my trainer is he wanted me to lose 10 pounds in one month, seems easy right? NOT!! Two weeks into the new month I stepped…
  • It's a great app and the support is awesome. Sending you request.
  • Those are some great goals. My goals are: Be able to run a 5k straight thru not stopping then move up from there. Tone my arms, thighs, behind and tummy, want my abs back :) Get back on track with implementing one new healthy recipe a week. Gets hard at times with crazy schedules, but I love to cook. My parents are…
  • Hi Sending you friend request. I do the shakes here and there, but I cook for total of 5 and other than me all boys who can eat. My sons can eat like there is no tomorrow and some how keep their shape, although they are very active. I am 5'10 and 254 been on this adventure of trying to lose weight for years now. I have my…
  • Just turned 39 and like you need motivation as well. This is my third time on Fitness Pal and I struggle at times, but with support we can all do this. Sending you friend request soon. :)
  • Motivatiom is great. I have been on and off Fitness Pal and this time am really sticking to it. I love to cook so am always creating new recipes too that are lower in fat/calorie and good.
  • I like this app. I need to be more dedicated to logging what I eat but when I did it I saw results. The key to this is making small goals. I have set myself up to fail by wanting it all now, which never works, but I agree when you have support it makes it so much easier. Sending you friend request.
  • Welcome back to MFP. I have been on and off again and this time I need to be on and I need to stay on track. I too am building my network of supporters and can use friends who can be supportive. Sending you friend request.
  • Sending you request. I have been on and off again and really need to get this weight loss/healthy living as part of my life :) Just turned 39 and not loving it.
  • Just sent request. I just rejoined Fitness Pal and could use the support as well.
  • Sending you friend request. I just turned 39 and am struggling with my weight. I was on MFP for a while but my friends who sore up and down they would do it with me never really did :( and then I would fall off as well. Kudos on the quitting smoking.
  • I just turned 39 and am battling with my weight. Determined this time around to really just stick with it and it's harder as you get older to keep it off. I'm like you love to eat and I workout, have a trainer but just can't seem to get into my groove. I know we can all do this if we have the support. Sending you friend…