

  • You dont have that much to lose... I would drop it to 1lb/week and add in some weight training. Lifting weights has huge benefits both in weight loss and physical ability. You will quickly find just about everything is easier, from loading groceries to walking up the stairs.
  • Weight like once a month. The only 'real' need for a scale is because as you lose weight, your daily calorie needs will change. If you ignore the scale for too long your weight loss will stall. Another fix for that is to set MFP to think you are at your goal weight already and in maintenance mode and use those calories as…
  • The experience is awesome. Definitely walk through. Some of the nicest tropical fish tanks ever. The food is on par with TGI Fridays or Chilis. But twice as expensive.
  • Don't eat at T-Rex for the food - neither price or quality. Its good for the experience. Wolfgang Puck Express at Downtown Disney is our favorite. Sea World Orlando - Voyagers - you can sub a fruit bowl for the fries and the BBQ chicken is good - better if you pull the skin.
  • Not much useful to add to msalamun, but Rocky - it gets better.
  • Sounds about right. If you are still unsure, I'd plug your info into something like - which actually gave me more than 4150 based on the little I know about you. Takes a lot to move us bigger boys around.
  • There are 2 types of guys in a weight room. The type that is there to do his own thing and doesn't care that you are there, what you are doing, how much you are lifting, etc. He is just another patron. And then there is the type that cares what you think of HIM. He might work a little harder hoping you notice how much HE…
  • I don't trust you and no, it's not a lot. Unless it is mandated by a doctor for medical reasons, its unhealthy.
  • I would ignore the database entries that dont have a weight option. Most common items have a dry measure, liquid measure and a weight option in the serving size dropdown.
  • Depends on how much weight you have lost and are trying to lose. They say 6 weeks before you feel different, 6 weeks before you see a difference, 6 more weeks before other people notice the difference. Your mileage may vary. Ive been back on my diet and exercise plan for 25 days and I see and feel a HUGE difference.
  • I did nutrisystem for 2 months. Lost a lot of weight. It was VERY expensive. Like 5 or 6 times what I would have spent just measuring out portions myself. You end up buying a ton of groceries in addition to the plan. The food was ok. Ive had better and much much worse. The thing about it is that its one size fits all,…
  • Thighs and chest. Happy about both... now just get rid of that belly and neck and I'll be happy.
  • Dont be scared of. There is nothing to be scared of. They are just plates and bars. Ask one of the trainers for a quick intro and then have at it. Google a program called "starting strength" or "stronglifts 5x5". Either one of those are perfect for a beginner. Alternately, there is a book that many love called New Rules of…
  • Lift heavy! Check out Staci at NerdFitness.
  • Timing of meals is a myth. Eat when you are hungry. Just make sure you eat because NOT eating is bad.
  • That is going to be tough to do in a healthy manner without a) adding weight and b) exercising. Read this blog post - it is pretty inspiring and right along the line of what you want:
  • There is one carb blocking product that works as advertised:
  • Its still unhealthy. Its a solid 15 pounds or more under what your doctor suggested you weigh. Please, seek professional guidance.
  • I downloaded the spreadsheet and it gave me the results I was more or less expecting - basically split the difference between Scooby's light and moderate settings. Works for me. I'll give it a month or two and see how things go. Thanks!~
  • Listen to your body. If it hurts, there is probably a reason. Just dont do what I did. My ankle hurt. I figured I just sprained it. Still hurt from time to time after a few months. It eventually got better. Ish. Then it started to hurt again. Then got better. Lather, rinse, repeat for 10 years. So I go to a podiatrist and…
  • Everyone is different and will lose weight from different parts of their body in different orders/ratios. Its possible that your breasts will be the last thing to go as you lose weight. The simple fact is that breasts are primarily fat tissue like any other in your body and they can be reduced (to a point) by losing body…
  • It does - and I exercise roughly 4.25h/wk. My confusion comes in with calories burnt. I'll burn 1000 calories riding pretty consistently, but I also only ride twice a week. I know weight lifting doesnt burn nearly the calories as intense cardio. Let me take a look at that spreadsheet. It sounds a lot of what answers I am…
  • 43/m/72" CW: 227.2 GW: 195 Current Calories/Day: 2312
  • If you want to lose weight, reduce your calories. If you want to look good in your clothes, do lots of cardio. If you want to look great naked, lift weights.
  • You can approach just about anyone by introducing a conversation topic. "Hey, I love those socks - where did you get them?" "I noticed on your shirt that you ran in the XXX 5K. Is that local and an annual thing?" "You have amazing calves. What is your secret?" Its just like meeting someone in a bar. Just start talking. "Hi…
  • Base setting has me at 2017 cal/day, light is 2313 and moderate is 2606 - so its actually 600 (or 589)
  • Nope - it doesn't get easier. You get better.
  • Success is determined by what we do most of the time, not occasionally. In other words, one 'cheat' day is meaningless in the big picture. Take a breath, relax and remember that food is not an enemy.
  • Personally, I dont log any exercise (and thus dont eat the calories for) that I cannot accurately and reliably measure. For me, that means I only log biking and running. Weights dont get logged nor does the common things that some people like to log (housework, playing with kids, etc) ETA - one week's results is not a…