

  • Just to clarify - Advocare is not a "fad diet" plan. It's a company that sells amino acids, supplements, products that provide vitamins and protein to accompany your low calorie diet and your exercise plan. The 24 day challenge provides a 10 day cleanse phase and a 14 day max phase. It includes a healthy eating guide to…
  • I just wanted to post that I am starting my 24 day challenge tomorrow. I am all about eating better, calorie counting and working out but I have just started to really take it more seriously. I have always been skeptical of the meal replacement shakes (I love the spark though! it's replaced coffee and other energy drinks…
  • I do see a lot here that I agree with. 1 day of rest might not be enough but it's a start at least. Have you taken your measurements? Sometimes your progress will not show on the scale. http://www.everydayhealth.com/weight/busting-the-muscle-weighs-more-than-fat-myth.aspx A lot of people here have said that muscle weighs…
  • I just got back on here after months so everyone is welcome to add me I can always use encouragement and I will do the same!
  • Hey if her hubby wants to pay her for weight lost I'd say she should take it as a good thing. The sexual favors thing I read on here (sexual favors for each pound lost?) would totally offend me though - personally. I'm doing a biggest loser contest at work - each week is a 25 dollar gift card to the winner of that week.…
  • I agree the slimfast diet won't help you out. Maybe if you need to replace a meal with it once in a blue moon but you shouldn't rely on it to teach you better eating habits. It is hard I am big on convenience too. My biggest food sin is buying frozen meals (I just ate the last one out of my freezer and I am promising…
  • I was 202 when I started working out and counting calories a few weeks ago. I too could sit down and eat a large pizza. Intact it was a medium Hawaiian pizza and two lava crunch cakes I ate in one sitting that made me change my ways the next day. I'm an emotional eater...boredom, stress, anxiety, depression and even…
  • Awesome I will thanks! :)
  • Thanks for the add! :smile: New friends are always good.
  • Thanks :)
  • I am just now back on to eating better and losing weight but I have run into that stand still before when trying to lose a significant amount of weight. It is frustrating. The smaller you are the more difficult it gets to lose weight and your body will start to adjust to your regular routine. Is there something you can…