ChrisM8971 Member


  • It counts as fluid loss, exercise that raises your heart rate is what burns the calories for you.
  • I love eggs for breakfast but have been experimenting with smoothies recently, fruit, almond milk, occasionally some veggies, protein powder and chia seeds. I might add Greek yogurt when I have it as well. Most are normally under 300 calories
  • Cleanses are pointless and don't do anything for you, your macro settings are down to personal preference provided you are getting enough protein & fats in your diet. You should definitely be able to eat more than 1200 and again there is no reason to fast other than personal preference. Set your MFP weight loss goal to…
  • Probably Last of the Mohicans but there are so many to choose from
  • I will never wear socks of any colour with sandals!!! Tends to be short sleeved shirts and shorts in the evening, so it may be more of my glowing red skin that gives it away :smile:
  • I generally go out looking for lunch after 2 pm and evening meal between 8 and 9 pm but you can still tell I am a tourist by my dress sense or lack of :)
  • I stand corrected on the meal timing, just wasn't something I have ever experienced in Greece, but maybe thats why its always been so hard to find anywhere open to get lunch from :smile:
  • I am pretty sure that the evening meal is usually the largest, a social occasion, eating slowly and putting the world to rights. Eating your largest meal at lunch time during the hottest part of the day makes no sense, particularly in the southern Mediterranean areas!
  • Isn't it an area with one of the lowest rates of cancer in the world as well?
  • And thats why the fries taste so great out there as well :-)
  • I am a meat eater, but still love all of those but my favourite is Gigandes Plaki (I think thats correct). Oh and who could not love spicy feta dip (not even going to attempt to spell that one!)
  • In many rural areas of the countries around the Mediterranean, less so in the larger urban areas, or at least thats my experience from Greece
  • Go somewhere sunny and very warm? If you are looking to go down the route of a Mediterranean style then there are lots of resources out there on the net but the basics of what you will find are Lots of fruit and veg Limiting red meat consumption Eat more fish & poultry etc Move to whole grain food choices Use olive oil as…
  • If you are losing at 1500 calories per day then I would manually reset your goal back to that rather than dropping to 1220. Don't be in a rush to lose the weight and a 2 lbs per week goal is really for someone who has 100 lbs or more to lose, aim for 1-1.5 per week and anything else is a bonus. As you lose weight MFP will…
  • Or you could just eat at regular meal times and even snack in between, just weigh and log everything you eat and drink and stay within the MFP allotted calories per day for your weight loss goal. I started at 46 and am 5 over 70 lbs down and maintaining just by doing that. Cut back on calorie dense foods and replace with…
  • Fantastic achievement and you are absolutely right that consistency is the key. Not sure that clean eating has much to do with it though as long as people watch their macros for body composition
  • So despite a lot of science based evidence holding the Mediterranean style diet up as healthy, because it is doesn't fit with exact ideals you have decided that it is unhealthy? OP you will find most people here are willing to have a rational discussion about different dietary ideas but you have to get your head around the…
  • I love raw beets in a smoothie as well
    in Beets Comment by ChrisM8971 January 2016
  • I did see a program on tv the other night about weight loss where a guy swears by a daily coffee enema, it was shown to be medically unsound and having no affect on weight loss but I guess if you love coffee but can't take it orally...................... Warning: This is not a serious suggestion!
  • Wow so a hospital administrator looking up cleanse/detox recipe's on Pinterest somehow equates to a police office who is also a member of the KKK Next we will be sacking liquor store owners that are members of alcoholics anonymous!
  • It might be worth giving a couple of weeks but there are a couple of things you can check as well with regard to the accuracy of the database entries you are using. Barcode scanning is a big one, that often takes you to inaccurate member entries, also check the nutritional data you see in the MFP entry against package…
  • MFP goals are based on NEAT so include normal daily activity but not exercise. It is based on the assumption that you do no exercise and expects you to eat the exercise burns back, which is the reason the site adds them to your calorie allowance for the day That being said MFP is also very generous in its calories burned…
  • Are you willing to open up your diary to scrutiny for others to offer advice on anything you may have missed? Also how much do you have to lose because 2 lb per week is a pretty aggressive goal?
  • No what it means is your posts are starting to make you look like zealot that believes that they have found the one true way that everyone else must follow or they are doomed to eternal damnation. Start reasoning your arguments and perhaps people will listen to you and have a discussion In the meantime I will continue with…
  • Also no surprise that the top of the page has a big "buy our books now" advert
  • You have to win the award for the amount of random posts you can fit your pro keto approach into today
  • If the problem is that you are full then protein shakes may be the best answer. You say you cut fat, did you make sure you were still getting the RDA of essential fats? With the exception of certain specific circumstances muscle gain will require you to eat a calorie surplus so you will need to eat more than when you were…
  • OP how are you measuring your intake calories and exercise calories burned, inaccuracy tends to be the most common cause for lack of weight loss
  • Ahhhh thats what I did wrong when losing 70 lbs and keeping it off for over a year now!
  • I think it should be high fat if you go down the low carb route because your body will burn dietary fat rather than carbohydrates as fuel. You can also get a large initial drop with low carb eating through a reduction in water weight but once that has gone the rate of loss on a carb restricting diet and calorie counting…