Still trying to figure out this app...

I have been using MFP for the last 3 weeks. So far it's going very well: I'm learning a lot about what I eat and how to do better. I have cut a LOT of sugar out of my diet and am feeling pretty good over all. I am down 5.6 lbs as of a few days ago from where I started which is pretty much on par for my goal. So far, so good.

When I first set up the app and put in my info (35 y/o female, 5'11", initial weight 180.6 lb, initial goal weight of 160 lb), the app recommended 1,500 Cal per day. I changed the settings to make that my daily goal. Last night I noticed that the app had automatically changed my goal to 1,220 Cal per day on Thursday (I entered my most recent weight on Wednesday evening). So I am guessing MFP changed my goal based on that most recent weight, is that correct?

My other question is whether this seems too restrictive this early in the process? 1,500 calories was already a fairly large jump from what I was previously eating. I know MFP suggests women eat a minimum of around 1,200 Cal per day and something about my goal being right around that number has me feeling a little anxious. With activity and making better food choices, I did often have room to spare on that initial goal. Given that, part of me wonders whether my anxiety actually has anything to do with the goal itself or whether it's seeing less of a deficit in my net calories at the end of the day that is playing a trick on my mind... so rather than stress, I thought I would ask some people who are more familiar with all of this for their input.

I feel like I am rambling, so I will try to sum up as quickly as possible. To those of you who have been tracking CICO for a while, does 1,220 Cal seem like an appropriate goal for me given my age, height, weight, and goal? I also currently have a goal set to lose 2 lb per week. Is that perhaps pushing myself harder than I should? I do realize that in the grand scheme of things I don't have an enormous amount of weight to lose but should clarify that 160 lb is not my ultimate goal, just my starting place. It has been quite a few years since I was at that weight, so I thought it would be an appropriate time to see where I was at and decide then how much more to lose before changing my focus more to building muscle (I am working out regularly now to maintain muscle). Or am I stressing out over nothing and just need to take a breath and give this new goal a chance? Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate any input you folks can offer.



  • FullLifeNeil
    FullLifeNeil Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Julie - Yup…don't stress too much. How active are you? What is your fitness routine like? 1220 seems low to me and it likely did adjust according to the weight you lost. I would personally rather you find a calorie level you can maintain for your life and stick to it rather than cut right away. If you were losing on 1500 I would stay there. Feel free to add me (FullLifeNeil) and we can chat more.
  • docj381
    docj381 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I don't know how or why the app adjusted my calories that way. Today I netted about 1350 cal today and MFP estimates that if every day were like today I would be down to 165.5 in 5 weeks -- just a hair shy of the 2 lb per week goal. That tells me that 1220 cal per day would definitely be too low for me right now. I'm trying to get myself healthy, not shock my system.

    I'm lightly active but working on increasing my overall activity level. I have been trying my best to get to the gym 3 days per week -- I go to 9Round, it's a 30 minute HIIT boxing inspired workout. Unfortunately I was benched this week due to a minor muscle spasm issue but expect to get back at it next week.

    After spending some time thinking on it today I decided to adjust my rate of loss to 1.5 lb per week and the app set my goal at 1470 cal per day. I'll stick with that for now and see how things go.

  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    Thats great :) its worth experimenting to see what works best for your body. After my first month, I felt I was losing too fast (1.5lbs a week instead of 1lb a week) so I have upped my calories and will reassess in 2-3 weeks. If I lose too slow, I will adjust again.

    Helps to remember this is a long term thing and I have no end date in mind. If it takes me an extra month or two because I could not find the optimal balance right away, that's ok.

    I am using trendweight to track my avg loss rather than rely on the daily fluctuations of my scale. Lots of folks on here recommend that and I find I have really liked it.
  • docj381
    docj381 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks elaineamj, that sounds a lot like what I was thinking yesterday. I can be a better t of an overachiever but there's really no reason to rush this process. It took me a bunch of years to get t where I am, I'm not going to turn back the clock on that in a month or two. This needs to be a change I can maintain for the long haul.

    I will look in to trendweight, sounds like it may be helpful. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    edited February 2016
    If you are losing at 1500 calories per day then I would manually reset your goal back to that rather than dropping to 1220. Don't be in a rush to lose the weight and a 2 lbs per week goal is really for someone who has 100 lbs or more to lose, aim for 1-1.5 per week and anything else is a bonus. As you lose weight MFP will reduce your calorie goal but a step of 280 calories per day sounds more like a glitch than a sensible adjustment based on weight loss.

    While MFP is great way to lose weight the numbers are only an estimate (as with all calculations) and the best way of confirming them is through trial and error. Accuracy is also important on a site like this, make sure you are weighing food and selecting correct entries from the database (check and double check against packets etc because there is a lot of inaccurate information in there).

    If your weight loss slows then reduce your goal a little at a time and look at monthly trends rather than short term changes on the scale.

    Also take progress picture and measure yourself regularly for non scale comparisons
  • docj381
    docj381 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thank you for confirming what I was thinking. Not sure what glitched where, but that seemed like a HUGE drop to me. I've been doing well at 1470 this week -- that 30 Cal difference really isn't even noticeable as I was usually under by a little more than that anyway just eating my fill.

    The lot of rest of what you shared (food scale, double checking entries) I picked up from reading around the forum. The food scale alone is worth it's weight in gold -- great advice, thanks!

  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    At 175 lbs you are already at the high end of the healthy weight range for your height (I'm also 5'11" and my goal right now is 165 lbs to give myself a little cushion within the healthy range). Since you are technically at a healthy weight already you would probably do best setting your goal to 0.5 lbs per week. Yes, it will take a little longer to get to your goal but you also won't have as hard of a time adjusting to maintenance once you get there.