wool_gathering Member


  • Get yourself some diflucan from your doctor! I had a similar issue, and they had me take diflucan once a week for 6 months. I've only had one small yeast infection since, which cleared up really fast.
  • You can add me too! I also just came back from a long break, so I'm looking to get started again!
  • Baked sweet potatoes! Either hot or cold, with cinnamon. Loads of fiber and potassium.
  • I buy organic, not because of any health benefits per se, but because I'm interested in the humane treatment of animals and sustainable agriculture, practices which tend to be more prevalent in the organic food industry than in the generic food industry. That said, I don't actually buy that much in the grocery store, I…
  • Yeah...not cool. It's possible for a boyfriend to positively motivate you to be healthier and more fit without being disrespectful! In any case, it sounds like you're a perfectly reasonable weight!
  • I just started too, feel free to add me! Everyone can use a bit more support :) I'm 27 and I'm a PhD student, which = high stress, and a lot of time spent at the computer instead of exercising! I'm looking to loose around 40 pounds and get in good enough shape to keep up with my boyfriend and dog when we're out hiking!
  • Hey Everybody, I'm beginning my fourth year of my PhD in Anthropology with a concentration in Archaeology. I've had what I describe as grad school weight gain. I gained 30 pounds during my masters degree, and managed to loose it during the first year of my PhD. I spent the next 2 years of my PhD gaining it back with…
  • Hey everybody! I'm just starting my fourth year (!!) of a PhD in archaeology at the University of Arizona.Almost done with my proposal, but I'm procrastinating a bit...I'm not quite emotionally ready to start I think.