MrsMetzler2013 Member


  • It is reassuring to read others' posts! I am trying so hard to stick to 1200 calories a day but it is so hard. I am famished by the time I get home from work and try to make it until dinner without a snack. I work out 4-6 times a week, usually in the mornings. I always eat back my calories because I get a bit crabby if I…
  • My least favorite foods are: olives, sweet pickles, mushrooms, and cottage cheese
  • My advice is to order something with lots of veggies and non-fried meat. Ordering soup is a great way to fill up your belly before the entree comes too. Mmmm, now I'm hungry!
  • I find that planning out meals and snacks helps me very much! Every morning I pack a snack bag for myself and my husband. We have protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, then throughout the day we have carrots, a banana, an orange and a fat free greek yogurt and sometimes a Clif Bar. It keeps us going through the day until…
  • Like you, I work an office job and by the time I'm home I do not want to work. I have made it a habit to get up an hour early in the mornings, put in a workout dvd, and get my workout out of the way before I even get to work. It also really helps me to make more conscious food choices because I don't want to undo the…
  • I am 5'4" and currently weigh 178, my goal right now is to get down to 160, then 150. My thinnest was 120 but I was 21 then. I'm now 33 and don't need to be skinny, just feel healthy and comfortable with myself.
  • I've never heard of the secretary spread but that is hilarious. I work on the fifth floor of my building and I take the stairs at least twice a day, plus have to walk 1-2 blocks to and from my car depending on my parking spot. I also workout first thing in the morning so I'm already energized, which helps me move more…
  • You can do it! Its hard and sucks at first, but once you get back into your groove, you will feel amazing which will help keep you motivated. Like you, I joined a few years ago and have been back off and on. Then I joined Weight Watchers through work and I lost 12 pounds, but then I quit and gained it all back. I started…
  • Don't give other people the power over you to make you feel a certain way! YOU are the power in your world, don't let anyone make you feel inferior!
  • 23 pounds and no one noticed?! Congratulations, that is a great weight loss!
  • I have told my husband, my sisters (my best friends), and my friend at work. Other than that, I am doing this for me and for me only. I joined Weight Watchers last year when a group started at work, and it quickly turned into a competition and I got sick of people asking me about my weight, food choices and monitoring me.…
  • YUMMMMM! We start out the day with veggie tray and pickles/olives tray The standards: Turkey Mashed potatoes and homemade gravy Stuffing Green Bean Casserole Corn Casserole (my favorite!!!!) Sweet potatoes Rolls Pecan Pie Pumpkin Pie Apple Pie I am so excited for it all! Two weeks from today!!!!!
  • 100 calorie/high fiber english muffin toasted with strawberry jam and an apple a bit later in the morning. Plus COFFEEEEE!
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • I drink a lot of water; I keep a 32 ounce cup on my desk and I drink 2-3 a day, plus another when I get home throughout the evening. I feel hydrated and I feel like it helps aid the weight loss process a little bit. I usually squeeze a lemon slice in my water a couple of times a day because lemons are a natural diuretic.…
  • Wow! Run while you still can! If he is that controlling and criticizing about your weight, think of other areas he will try to control and judge you. I work with a girl who is in a similar situation and she married him! She is super skinny, but he makes her workout everyday and controls what she eats at home. She eats junk…
  • You can try drinking lemon water too, it seems to help me when I feel extra bloated. Just squeeze a lemon wedge or two into your ice water and it really does help to de-bloat since its a natural diuretic. I was so excited for my monthly to come this month because I felt like a balloon. My husband laughs because I get so…
  • How's everyone doing? I am on day four of my re-start to my get in better shape plan and lose 10 (short term goal, long term is 15-20)! I've worked out 3 days this week and have been at or under my calories each day. It feels great to be getting back on track. Yesterday someone commented on how I had lost a bunch of weight…
  • Wow, really? Its an American tradition. No one says you have to eat turkey and all the fixings. Its supposed to be a day to get together and be thankful for who and what you have in your lives. Who says you can't make healthier versions of your favorite traditional dishes? If you don't want to eat all day, don't, it still…
  • I'm in! My goal is 10-15 pounds. My husband is along for the ride as well. I did Weight Watchers last year, and lost 12 pounds, but its back plus 3 lbs; I am at my all time heaviest right as of yesterday's weigh in - ouch! This week marks my re-start point! Let's do this!