

  • well im on a limited budget so i try to buy cheap an healthy. For breakfast I usually eat oatmeal and flavor it with fresh fruit and honey, or my latest favorite, natural peanut butter! Not too costly and keeps you full all morning. One of my favorite things to do for lunch and dinner is get a rotisserie chicken from…
  • One of my favorite new lunches is a veggie filled chicken wrap. 1 whole wheat medium size tortilla (about 130cal) 1/2 cup diced chicken breast (about 100cal) a handful of fresh baby spinach (about 25cal i think) 4 cherry tomatoes sliced (about 20cal) Spicy Wholly Guacamole - you can find the packets at the store (about 45…
    in Recipes Comment by sspayde January 2013
  • 1. to buy a new bikini 2. to fit back into my skinny jeans 3. to feel healthy and happy every day :) 4. to never have to change clothes again because i want to "hide" my belly
  • I did not realize that you were diabetic. My apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable. Have you ever tried stevia? I've been told that diabetics can use that and it doesn't effect blood sugar as much...
  • I've seen some talk about eating below your set 1200. If you're going to do that you might wanna talk to a nutritionist. My nutrition professor is a nutritionist and registered dietitian and I asked her about it and she said that if you eat less than 1200 you are starving your body. Yes, you may be losing weight, but you…
  • anyone worried about paying for gym memberships, check out different ones in the area. some will have first month free or a pay as you go kind of thing. Not all gyms have contracts or expensive memberships. :) also, check out pinterest for awesome HIIT workouts!!
  • That's awesome! Turbo fire is amazing and I like zumba too! I plan to run a 5k sometime this year :) any tips for running longer?? I
  • Regular Honey has 60 calories and actually helps with your digestion :) just a thought...I personally don't care for sugar-free or artificial sweeteners I consider low cal snacks to be anything around 100cal or less. Some of my favorites include cocoa roasted almonds, bananas, any fresh berries, and greek yogurt. I also…
  • Hi Carissa, I've been using MFP on and off for about a year and recently became more fully committed. I'm so glad I did! I have found that if you eat healthy, well-balanced, small meals and snacks, it is easy to hit that 1200 mark. However, If you are exercising a lot (which I do), it's not the end of the world to go over…
  • I am a TurboKick and Hip Hop Hustle instructor and i love it! In a 1 hour class you can burn up to 1000 calories and you are having so much fun you dont even realize how in shape you are getting! I have also been to several zumba classes. All three workouts are amazing and I wish you the best with experiencing any or all…
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