caityouth Member


  • Done was definitely a lil harder for me tho cuz I played softball the night before and did my C25K hopefully day 5 I'll do better
  • Done getting a lil easier even tho I'm even more sore today. I definitely love this program I'm scared of level 2 tho I heard there's planks and I am awful at them
  • day 2 done. my legs were super sore this morning but still managed to pull thru.
  • I downloaded a c25k app on my phone it really takes all the counting work out for you. voice just comes over your music telling you when to run walk cool down etc. It feels like i have a coach with me running. You should check it out if you haven't already. I just started week 2 yesterday :)
  • I'm cait 29 and a stay at home mom of a 2 & 3 year old. Trying to get my body back. Really started april 1st tracking what i ate on here. Now I really wanna step up my exercising this is perfect because its only 20mins a day so i can fit them in during nap time. Also i made a crazy decision to sign up for a Mud Run in 2…
  • Day 1 Done I'm really excited tho I have never done a "program" before just fitness classes or zumba wii. It was the strength training that really got me, I can't believe how out of shape my arms are. What pound weights are you using? i only have 3lbs. But excited to give this a shot and have other people doing it with me!
  • congrats I am 30 weeks pregnant and stilll zumbaing it up. just had a baby last november and this pregnancy is night and day from that one because i've continued to be active so i haven't had teh aches and pains its all zumba i love it soo much i just take it down to a moderate pace and don't jump but i didn't even start…