jshurety Member


  • Hi - will friend request you - sharing updates helps with the motivation!
  • Thanks for the ideas. Have just popped out and bought myself some jerky!!!!!!!!! First time for everything. So used to snacking on fruit so fancy a change. Have also gotten myself some almond nuts. Am going to avoid the animal protein for snacking and generally have that at lunch and dinner.
  • Houmous and carrot sticks, beef jerky... i struggle too sometimes
  • Get organised the night before, have everything ready, get up as soon as the alarm goes off - the more you snooze the harder it is, and get up and get out - don't hang around long enough to talk yourself out of it basically! If you find a early morning workout partner that always helps too. I run with a neighbor at 6am and…
  • Fantastic effort - well done. I put on 3st during pregnancy and lost it over the course of 2 years. I have since maintained for about 4 years (with a few lb fluctuations here and there). The secret - discipline and thinking of it as a long game - if you have a treat every now and then make it just that - ie not every day,…
  • I'll send you a request - looking to maintain as well
  • Hi, I'll be your buddy. My son is now 5 and I got back into exercise 2 years ago - initially lost 2 stone and have managed to maintain my weight (with a few ups along the way) for the past year. Hopefully I have some experience to share but its pretty simple, you'll have some bad days (but make sure they are the…