Would like to hear from those who have made the change to do morning exercise vs. evenings

I have been doing great with my workouts after work in the evenings but I know I have got to make a change soon because kids will be starting school in about two weeks. The time I have been using for exercise will be me helping my little ones with their home work and etc. I know if I want to keep up with my workouts I will have to do it early mornings. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    I love waking up early.
    While I perform my morning training, I watch the sun rise. It's energizing, and I am ready to hit the ground running for work. I accomplish more before 9am than most do the whole day, and by 11am, my work day is over.

  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    edited August 2015
    I did night workouts for 6 months before I switched to mornings. Being in the habit already has been a key factor for me. It's not a question of being too tired, I just go. And second, getting to bed early is key, and also very sad because I want to stay up late! :)
  • mefitforlife9
    mefitforlife9 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I will be attempting this feat as well. I already get up at 5:15 every day as it is, now will have to get up at 4:45 am. wish me luck please...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do as much as you can the night before. Get your clothes ready, setup your bike/dvd/weights/whatever. If you plan to eat before you workout, have the food ready (cut up, mixed up/whatever).

    Other than that, it's really just a mental battle with yourself. I find that once I get through the first week or 2, it becomes easier to get up and get moving.
  • TwistedxSinner
    TwistedxSinner Posts: 4 Member
    I loooove working out before work. I have to be at work at 5AM so it requires me getting up very early but I HONESTLY have more energy throughout the day when I do!
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm a morning exerciser and I love the fact that I can get it out of the way early and I do feel more energized during the day. I found when I tried to workout at night I would always have an excuse, I'm too tired or I'm too hungry, or I have something else more important to do.
  • dontgiveup2319
    dontgiveup2319 Posts: 145 Member
    I used to go to evening classes at my gym half the week but the classes are so late that it messes up my eating schedule so now I switched to going to one evening class and the rest are in the mornings. I have a hard time sleeping and waking up, but since I've switched to mornings it helps me a lot. It's easier getting up now and it's better to go in the mornings because it gets you pumped up for the rest of the day and it helps me get to bed and sleep without taking something to make me sleep.

    Definitely better in the mornings! :)
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I always worked out in the evenings, then I discovered that evenings are more fun with hubby. So, I get all my stuff together the night before (shoes, clothes, hair snare), roll out of bed at 5a wanting to kill anything that moves, shove myself into clothing, and stumble out the door. I just do it; I don't think about it. If I think about it, I won't do it. About 5 minutes into the walk, I'm good. For me, getting out the door is the hard part. I've been doing it for 7 months and it's still the hard part, but it's better than being fat.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I started doing 1 (or 2 max) of my workouts in the morning a couple of months ago after doing weeknights only for like 6 years. I don't really love it and I have never felt that extra energy afterward that some people do, but it's nice not having to deal with going those evenings. But, it's doable, and my issues were also schedule-related so it gets the job done.

    Pack your bag the night before, get your breakfast or lunch or whatever else ready in advance, and make your morning routine on those days as simple and quick as possible. I actually only wake up 10ish minutes earlier than normal to fit in a 45-60 minute workout because I started eating breakfast at work those days, and I do my makeup in the car and just wear my hair up or mess around with it quickly when I get to work. You can also try to condense your workouts into shorter but more intense sessions. If I run on the treadmill I run faster or at an incline, or I'll add cardio intervals in with strength, among other things, so a 45 minute workout can feel as hardcore as a full hour.

    It's an adjustment but like most things, you'll get used to it.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    To me it took time to get used too. I usually go all out, and am there's pretty tired once I get back home.
    If I had to go to class afterwards I could keep the momentum going.
    If I didn't have anywhere to go I would get really tired, probably even end up taking a nap in the beginning.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I will never feel excited about a morning workout at 5:45 when the alarm goes off. However, when I'm having a nice hot shower at 7am I'm always glad I did it.
  • jshurety
    jshurety Posts: 8 Member
    Get organised the night before, have everything ready, get up as soon as the alarm goes off - the more you snooze the harder it is, and get up and get out - don't hang around long enough to talk yourself out of it basically! If you find a early morning workout partner that always helps too. I run with a neighbor at 6am and have my PT sessions at 6am so I can't let them down. Even when tired if I've been up with little ones - I still go. Its amazing how quickly you adjust. My only rule is I get all my early workouts done in the week and give myself the weekend off!
  • Ronni_16
    Ronni_16 Posts: 15 Member
    It really is a battle to get over your brain wanting to roll over when that early alarm goes off. Just have to grab that willpower and put one foot out of the bed. Once you have done it....you will feel much better and your day is off to good start.

    But yes prepare and organize yourself the night before. Food/ clothes/ hair stuff...so much easier than trying to remember when your eyes are half closed.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    Do as much as you can the night before. Get your clothes ready, setup your bike/dvd/weights/whatever. If you plan to eat before you workout, have the food ready (cut up, mixed up/whatever).

    Other than that, it's really just a mental battle with yourself. I find that once I get through the first week or 2, it becomes easier to get up and get moving.


    And do everything you can to make sure you get a good sleep so you're ready to get up in the morning. That's the bit that's often a fail for me. My stupid dog catapults me out of bed with his nutty barking when he spots a raccoon, possum, or cat strolling by the window at 1-4am. Ruins me for the morning, so I'll go in the afternoon or at night on those days.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I've always been a morning workout person, but I can't say it's easy. I hate waking up early. I moan and groan almost every morning and I don't even get up as early as most of the posters here!

    But I love the feeling of having my workout done and out of the way first thing. That alone is enough motivation to get it done!
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    I am NOT a morning person at all, but I have to work out in the morning because in the evening I am just too tired from the day. So at 4:30 am I am up and out the door walking. By the time I am back from that I am awake enough to workout. I do feel more ready for the day, have more energy etc. It does become habit and you start to just wake up earlier.
  • kvansteen
    kvansteen Posts: 82 Member
    I usually work out in the mornings (no I am not a morning person, but my kids love being outside), and a couple of weeks ago I worked out in the evening after the kids went to bed. It was a huge mistake. I couldn't sleep for like hours after I usually do. Working out in the morning gets me going for the day. I usually go for a short walk in the afternoon with them, but the morning is best!
  • QuallyLeShay
    QuallyLeShay Posts: 37 Member
    I will be attempting this feat as well. I already get up at 5:15 every day as it is, now will have to get up at 4:45 am. wish me luck please...

    I'm with you! Up at 4am to sneak mine in. I work two late nights tho. Its hard because my schedule is so crazy. Someone will fuss because I said it but naps are my best friend. Two small kids. I'm not going to get much interrupted sleep anyway.
  • Hannah220190
    Hannah220190 Posts: 83 Member
    I have been doing great with my workouts after work in the evenings but I know I have got to make a change soon because kids will be starting school in about two weeks. The time I have been using for exercise will be me helping my little ones with their home work and etc. I know if I want to keep up with my workouts I will have to do it early mornings. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    I train early 4 times a week at 5.30am at my gym, I find a good early night before with a decent amount of carbs (oats) fuels me up for the morning.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I used to workout in the afternoon/evening after work until I chanced to a new company where I needed to go before. I'm now up at 4:15 to be at the gym by 4:30ish.

    No tricks or tips....either you want it and wake up with your alarm or you don't.