PMfx Member


  • I make a lot of beans and rice dishes. I make two weeks worth at a time, and freeze them in individual containers. Inexpensive and complete protein group. I get a lot of recipes from here: I really like the Hoppin John Salad. I don't freeze it though All meals are vegan, and a lot of variety.…
  • I had a lot of fun... Lots of good times with friends and a few to many late night snacks. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Just going to change a few habits and watch the weight come off as slowly as it went on. I think we beat ourselves up too much.
  • I'm vegan. Been vegan for 4 years, vegetarian since 1994. I know you are looking for flexitarian, I'm not that. I personally have been looking for people that have similar interests to me. I do like a whole food approach to eating, so that is what caught my interest. The Canadian flag also caught my eye. Cheers