How did you gain weight in the first place



  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    I broke my foot in 2007. Before that, I was around 120 most of the time. But after the break, I was sedentary, didn't watch what I ate, and went up to 145 (I'm a shortie, so that's high for me). Also, I was in the last year of a graduate program, and my daughter was graduating from high school, so lots of parties, social functions etc. in the spring and early summer, when I still hadn't lost my weight from the sedentary period. The wake-up call was when my husband and I decided to do an impromptu week-end beach vacation and none of my capris, shorts, etc. fit! I managed to lose the weight in about 6 months following South Beach, Phase II. Recently, I have found I'm tending to gain between 6-8 lbs. over the winter months, especially after vacations, so I'm trying to stay on track and even lose a bit.

    I broke my back as a passenger in a roll over car accident. I had a < 10 pound lifting restriction, no bending, no twisting, I had to sleep on an air mattress so I wouldn't put pressure on the fracture site. The restrictions were partially lifted 5 1/2 months and 28 pounds later. I just started walking when I broke a toe (I still had balance issues). I gained another 20 ish pounds while that was healing and have been up and down ever since.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Two physically and emotionally abusive relationships. I turned to food for comfort. Bad choice on my part but when you are hurting and feel alone...yeah, you don't make the best choices. I weighed 120 when I married bad choice number one...I ballooned up to 366. Met bad choice number 2 and started drinking on top of eating. Didn't get any bigger but health went downhill fast. I now weigh 261 as of today. I am married to a wonderfully loving supportive husband. I am blessed.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Not getting on a scale for several years, and finally when I did, 25 extra pounds showed up mysteriously.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    How did I gain all this weight? Simply: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it.

    I have depression, OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder. I also have chronic migraines. I'm on all kinds of lovely pills from my pharmacist. I could blame my weight gain on all of that.....but I'm not going to. There are healthy people who have all those same issues.

    I have a husband, two teenagers, two crazy dogs and I work in a criminal court - all of which can be rather stressful. Those aren't to blame either. Healthy people are married with children and have insane jobs.

    Plain and simple: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it. I didn't care. I didn't pay attention and I didn't exercise. All my fault.

    This!! Congrats on not making excuses!! Hearing constant excuses drives me nuts, I was happy to read this!! :-)
  • brutalrage
    brutalrage Posts: 34 Member
    I first gain weight through depression, being friend that encourage bad eating habits and having a job that I am sitting at desk for eight hours. My friend’s usual activity was playing video games, drinking beer and eating pizza. It encourage a lot of bad habits and caused me to go well beyond 400 lbs and 75% body fat.
  • PMfx
    PMfx Posts: 5 Member
    I had a lot of fun... Lots of good times with friends and a few to many late night snacks. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Just going to change a few habits and watch the weight come off as slowly as it went on. I think we beat ourselves up too much.
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  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I never had good nutritional habits, really.

    Even when I was thin, as a teen and young adult (till I got pregnant with my first child, 18 years ago) I ate what I wanted. If I wanted to drink soda all day and eat Mars bars, that's what I did. I ate all kinds of fatty foods, sugar loaded foods...and never gained an ounce. Exercise? Pish posh, I didn't need that. I would sometimes go for a walk, or maybe swim a little in my mom's pool, but that was pretty much it. Anything that required extra effort was not on my list of things to do.

    It was a bad lifestyle, destined for doom. That doom caught up with me by pregnancy #2. I had not lost all my weight from pregnancy #1, but I was still "ok" at about 150 lbs. Doc told me to be careful not to gain too much weight but oh, boy, gain I did! I ate everything under the sun. By the time #2 was about to be born, I weighed just shy of 200 lbs. Only 10 of which I lost (7.5 lb baby plus some water and stuff.)

    I lost very little weight after #2 was born, and when #2 was 9 months old, I was pregnant with #3. ALL WEIGHT LOSS WENT OUT THE DOOR...I did get my tubes tied, but did not set foot on a scale after my 6 week postpartum check up...until #3 was about 3 years old. I was mortified to see I weighed well over 200 lbs.

    That was 14 years ago and I weigh more now than I did then. I was freaked out by my 200+ pound status, lost a lot of weight doing weight watchers...was only about 30 lbs to goal when I just caved (Krispy Kreme donuts played a major part, plus stress and work issues.) I soon gained all I had lost back, and then some.

    Mostly due to my sugar addiction, lack of desire for physical exertion, and just plain laziness.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    How did I gain all this weight? Simply: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it.

    I have depression, OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder. I also have chronic migraines. I'm on all kinds of lovely pills from my pharmacist. I could blame my weight gain on all of that.....but I'm not going to. There are healthy people who have all those same issues.

    I have a husband, two teenagers, two crazy dogs and I work in a criminal court - all of which can be rather stressful. Those aren't to blame either. Healthy people are married with children and have insane jobs.

    Plain and simple: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it. I didn't care. I didn't pay attention and I didn't exercise. All my fault.

    This!! Congrats on not making excuses!! Hearing constant excuses drives me nuts, I was happy to read this!! :-)

    I agree! I am on thyroid meds and a few others. They haven't caused me to gain weight. I gained weight because I let it happen.
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    By not knowing what calories were. Lol
  • I stopped smoking 24 years ago and weight gradually crept on . I have never got rid of the weight fully i have lost 30lbs when dieting but through panic and anxiety disorder it came back on and i have done weightwatchers myfitnesspall a diet from the doctors each time losing 30lbs then putting it back on .

    I went through early menopause when i was 36 no health problems just the way my body works lol , then i gained another 10lbs so now i am 40lbs over weight . I started myfitnesspal again a few weeks back and mfp set my daily calories at 1920 a day with exercise . I had my doubts whether it would work , but it is working i have lost 2lbs , should have been 3lbs but i had a set back but it works and i am never hungry so maybe this time it will come off and stay off :)
  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    I got lazy and ate out way more than you should (which is never that stuff is garbage with zero nutrition lol) played to much final fantasy (supper addictive online game) So ate cap and sat on my *kitten* basically lol summer came tried to hike my favorite trail and was like why the hell is this so hard!!?? .... So here I am.
  • luzdelua
    luzdelua Posts: 88 Member
    All my life I was overweight. I would just eat way too much, and lots of junk. I am still learning to eat portions.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    Parent's didn't eat well when I was a kid. Bad habits passed on. I didn't pay attention to my always high weight and didn't exercise very much! I don't know what I expected to happen, but I consistently gained 20-30lb every year. Minus 2 or 3. Changing that now! Time I got control of this weight and shed those 64lb that has gained on my 5'2 frame.
  • GraceCamD
    GraceCamD Posts: 128 Member
    Had a bad back injury and could not exercise for a year (when i've always been very active, running, boxing, dance) and then had my spine surgury (still have not gotten the clearance to exercise,....grrr) and had to quit smoking because they said if i smoked before a year my bones won't fuse.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    How did I gain all this weight? Simply: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it.

    I have depression, OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder. I also have chronic migraines. I'm on all kinds of lovely pills from my pharmacist. I could blame my weight gain on all of that.....but I'm not going to. There are healthy people who have all those same issues.

    I have a husband, two teenagers, two crazy dogs and I work in a criminal court - all of which can be rather stressful. Those aren't to blame either. Healthy people are married with children and have insane jobs.

    Plain and simple: I ate junk and I ate a lot of it. I didn't care. I didn't pay attention and I didn't exercise. All my fault.

    This!! Congrats on not making excuses!! Hearing constant excuses drives me nuts, I was happy to read this!! :-)

    I agree! I am on thyroid meds and a few others. They haven't caused me to gain weight. I gained weight because I let it happen.

    That's something that I always have to remind myself of, no matter what you might tell yourself in the end you are in control and you can change it. It's true! TOO MANY EXCUSES ARE SAID (even by me) about why people gained weight.
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    I work by sitting in front of computer all day & I love to eat a lot.
    If I miss my workout schedule it'll be weight gain for an instant.

    To avoid that I workout regularly.
    The worst BMI I got was 27.3.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    My parents never limited my eating -- they didn't even understand good eating habits themselves (though they are both normal/skinny). They bought me chocolates and ice cream whenever I wanted, as well as any other foods I asked for (I could have McDonald's every day, if I wanted it). I was very skinny as a child, because I exercised a lot. Then I stopped exercising, but didn't change my eating habits, and I ballooned up to 130 pounds (which is quite stocky on a 5'0-5'1 teenager). I was really uncomfortable all through my teenage years due to my 'chubby' weight, and I have only just got around to losing some of it.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    I used to work in a supermarket when I was at University. The manual labour involved (as well as the fact that I was quite active at the time) kept the weight off. I was younger and could eat and drink without thinking too much.

    Finished Uni, got a proper job (in an office), still active, but spent more time in front of PC (both at work and at home) than out under the blue sky and then one day, without really noticing it, I'm fat.

    Like many others - too many excuses between then and now for not losing it and while my weight is okay, I've still got the beer belly (don't drink too much beer these days), but I'll just need to keep working on that. Ideas on a postcard please........................ :happy:
  • GraceCamD
    GraceCamD Posts: 128 Member
    I see all these people putting their reasons and then-but I don't want to make excuses it really was my fault.....Well just so you know, their are cases were it CAN BE NOT YOUR not being able to walk on one leg for a year and then a month ago getting A METAL PLATE WITH SIX SCREWS, AND TWO METAL CAGES AROUND TWO DISKS IN MY excuse me if that sounds like an excuse, IT'S NOT.....I Guess I COULD EXERCISE if I WANTED ANOTHER ROUND OF A BACK SURGURY THIS IS #2. (I'm still using a walker and reacher but hey that sounds like an excuse I should get my lazy *kitten* up and run a marathon! lol)