Anyone out there a Vegan?



  • Been vegan for almost 8 years! Ask me anything. You can see my daily diary on my page, I keep it open to the public. :)
  • kjd298
    kjd298 Posts: 13 Member
    hey, I became a vegan 2.5 years i'm mostly vegan ( i just listen to my body and cravings, but i never eat dairy products). It's easy to get all the protein you need by eating a healthy diet, by that I mean REAL food, not processed junk with added vitamins. Beans, nuts, seeds, and nutrient dense vegetables like spinach and broccoli are wonderful sources, and don't rely heavily on soy products, whether they are or are not harmful to your hormone levels aside, too much of one thing is no good.
  • Vegan over here!
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 14 years and am transitioning to vegan. I find my protein in beans, tofu, nuts and nut butters, seeds, grains.....
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Oh hai!

    I was looking for more people. I didn't find any vegan groups and only found one vegetarian group for newbies.

    I'm currently eating flexitarian, mostly vegan whole foods.

    I could use more whole food plant eating friends!

    ETA: Derp... there are some vegetarian and vegan groups... I had been searching for flexitarian.

    There are some more groups for raw vegans, too.
  • PMfx
    PMfx Posts: 5 Member
    I'm vegan. Been vegan for 4 years, vegetarian since 1994. I know you are looking for flexitarian, I'm not that. I personally have been looking for people that have similar interests to me. I do like a whole food approach to eating, so that is what caught my interest. The Canadian flag also caught my eye.

  • matriarco
    matriarco Posts: 2 Member
    Me! Vegan since 1997. Glad to see some other vegans on here. :)
  • tammaitx
    tammaitx Posts: 5 Member
    I've been vegan, been vegetarian and am probably flexitarian currently. I'm trying not to put myself to rigidly into a category and just see what works for me. I believe in compassionate eating and yet have struggled with being completely animal product free (cheese and eggs). I readily gave up milk, yogurt, and all meat. I am also concerned that I seem to gain weight when I eat strictly vegan. I think it is because it takes SO much planning and effort that when I need a break it is usually with crappy food. So, I'm struggling and trying to figure out what works the best for me both mentally and physically.