

  • Olá! Estou usando o site a bastante tempo... desisti e agora voltei a 10 dias. Vou casar em abril do ano que vem e quero muito estar no peso e porcentagem de gordura que me propus! Alguém aí com uma data que gostaria de alcançar sua meta? Quem quiser pode me adicionar... vai ser bom poder trocar idéias com brasileiros!
  • Hey! I have about the same amount of weight to lose, and I´ve been at it for a while... it is really much harder to do it when the percentage of body weight you have to lose is low (say 5%). I started seeing a nutritionist and from what I learned you´re doing a couple of things wrong: - You have to eat snacks througout the…
  • Hey! I´m getting married in April, and would like to lose weight too! I have about 15 lbs to lose... I´ve tried many things, but this is the first time I´m trying to participate in an online group support. So, hopefully we can help each other!
  • Hey! hahaha... I thought it was such a wierd title... now I get it. I understand how you feel, I like tough motivation too... sometimes girls can be too understanding and not really helpful, but guys usually have other intentions too. I´m engaged and don´t feel comfortable with flirtatious attention, so I´d rather not have…
  • Hello! I´m a family and couple´s therapist, and from this point of view there might be some more issues in your relationship that end up reflecting in this topic. Often when one of the partners decides to change something about their life (you) the other gets scared that he´ll be left behind, and unconsciously does things…
  • Hi, I checked it in another weight-loss program and it came as about 120 calories per 20 minutes.