

  • usually replacement shake but if its weekends usually eggs, milk, and turkey bacon
  • It depends on what your goals are. When you look at your goals on here it should tell you if you do a certain amount of work and eat only a certain amount of calories you will lose a certain amount of weight in the week. Everyones body is different so its not a 100% exact science. If you exercise more and eat less in…
  • I can see the issue with Biggest Loser challenges for people that are not 100% committed to losing weight and eating healthier overall. You do it for the 12 week challenge and then get to a weight and think I am done and aren't committed to continue excercising etc. But I did start before the challenge began and am…
  • I am going to be doing p90x once im in better shape...i am doing Biggest Loser game for the Wii and workouts at the gym right now
    in p90x Comment by kyddsox February 2011