

  • I used to be a runner. I can't anymore because of a knee injury from work, and I miss it a LOT. I remember I weighed 193 pounds when I first began C25K. I followed that for a month and didn't lose any weight. Then I found this 12-week program from a running book and decided to follow that instead. Immediately, I began…
  • I have to stay away from soda. Once I have one can, I want another one later. They're addicting. I also shouldn't eat chips because they never make me feel full. Before I know it, I've eaten half the bag!
  • Sargessexyone, have you ever heard the quote, "Don't trust a skinny chef"? There's a reason for that. A skinny chef tends to not taste the food they're serving others, so they don't know for sure if the taste is where it should be. Often, it isn't (hence the quote). An overweight chef samples the food as they're cooking to…
  • Voice your opinion on the subject, then let it rest. She's heard what you have to say, but from there, she has to make her own decision. If she pushes you to buy the product or won't stop talking about it in front of you, politely let her know you don't like discussing the product because you're against it. If she's a good…
  • Hi everyone! I haven't been diagnosed with binge eating, but I believe I have this condition as well. I plan to speak to my doctor about it at my next visit. I want to eat smaller amounts of food (LOTS smaller), but I find myself having overwhelming compulsions to eat, I won't stop eating when I'm full because there's more…
  • nursenelson, I think she's talking about the 12345 Diet. It equals to 1500 calories throughout the day total. You have a 100 calorie snack, a 200 calorie snack, a 300 calorie breakfast, a 400 calorie lunch, and a 500 calorie supper.
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm going to give that a try and see what it gives me for daily caloric intake. I think I'm doing good, but I am definitely over the 1200 calories each day since starting. I also downloaded the app for my phone so I can be sure to update things before I eat so I know ahead of time the appropriate…
  • Thanks so much for the responses! I feel a lot better about having gone over a bit yesterday. I really want to make this work. I have knee problems and I've been told losing weight may help a great deal with that. As it is, doctors have already been talking about surgery, and I'm hoping I can stay away from that if I can…