Mandie_P Member


  • I actually started Insanity a couple of weeks ago. I did two days and then got sick with the flu. I absolutely felt the same way. I would wake up so sore and wonder how I was going to be able to work out again that day. Anytime you change your normal routine and work different muscles, you're going to get sore. The 3 lbs…
  • I have previously taken it in spurts and I will tell you, you become immune if you stop and start a lot. It got to the point that it didn't curb anything, so then I was left with just the irritablility. I also started having chest pains, so I opted to stop and lose weight the old fashion way. Best of luck to you!
  • It may sound silly, but any time I plateau, I always eat something unhealthy and then the weightloss continues. I'm not sure professionals recommend it, but it works for me and I've heard of others doing the same thing.
    in Plateau Comment by Mandie_P March 2011
  • If the majority of the workout is "easy" for you then I would suggest you step it up. Your body gets in the habit of doing certain exercises, so you will always see a decline in calories burned. I would suggest switching up your workout at least ever couple of weeks to keep your body guessing. That is the benefit of the…
  • I'm new too! I just started on Valentine's Day. I have found the site very helpful. Are you doing any workout program?