Insanity Questions

Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started insanity and will be on day 3 today. Just wondering what observations you have made during you first week or two of Insanity and if it got better/

I went from doing ChaLEAN Extreme for 6 months to Insanity.

Right now I am experiencing;
3 pound weight gain
Sore calfs, quads and lower back that wraps to my sides.

That is the main things. Granted, I am sore all over and I know that is to be expected but I just want to know if others are experiencing the same and when did it get better?

All input is appreciated.



  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    If your body is not used the movements, you will develop more lactic acid in your muscles it will wane after about a week or two. When are you weighing yourself?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    My guess is your body is adjusting to the different training and muscle use. Give it a week or 2 before you start to wonder about any weight gain. It may just be fluid and salt retention while your body adjusts.

    The scale is only one way to measure results anyway so don't be discouraged. Insanity works and I've personally seen many people transform their bodies after committing to and completing the full 60 day program (don't forget to modify your diet per Shaun T's plan).

    Good luck!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i'm on day 4 and my calves were KILLING me yesterday! today for you is cardio recovery where you will mainly be stretching all your muscles. it really helps them feel better. i've lost weight, but this is the only excercise i've done in a while and i have around 40 lbs. i want to lose. just keep pushing through, i'm already seeing results!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am betting your weight gain is water weight since this is VERY common when starting a new exercise program (or simply switching them) because your body is not used to to the new movements. Especially since you are experience a lot of soreness...a major symptom of DOMS is soreness, and the body's reaction to DOMS is water retention. So I would give that at least 2 weeks to subside on the scale, but believe me, it WILL subside. Probably won't even take that long, but I always give it 2 weeks "just in case."

    I lost 10 pounds my first month of Insanity and inches from my waist and hips. I did not measure weekly though.
  • Mandie_P
    Mandie_P Posts: 5 Member
    I actually started Insanity a couple of weeks ago. I did two days and then got sick with the flu. I absolutely felt the same way. I would wake up so sore and wonder how I was going to be able to work out again that day. Anytime you change your normal routine and work different muscles, you're going to get sore.

    The 3 lbs gain- it's really too much to be muscles. Are you near your monthly? If so you could be retaining more water.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I started Monday, pulled an abdominal muscle on Tuesday. :tongue:
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    HI, the soreness is very very normal, :D!! I know you figured that one out, but for the first week the soreness finally went away by day 4 after the recovery workout! Then I felt ok until the max workouts and I am 8 workouts away from finishing and still feel some degree of soreness! During the first month I also experienced foot pain, and some pain in my clavicle area I quess do to the push-ups!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    If your body is not used the movements, you will develop more lactic acid in your muscles it will wane after about a week or two. When are you weighing yourself?

    I am weighing in the morning after I wake up.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    My guess is your body is adjusting to the different training and muscle use. Give it a week or 2 before you start to wonder about any weight gain. It may just be fluid and salt retention while your body adjusts.

    The scale is only one way to measure results anyway so don't be discouraged. Insanity works and I've personally seen many people transform their bodies after committing to and completing the full 60 day program (don't forget to modify your diet per Shaun T's plan).

    Good luck!

    I believe that my body has some adjusting to do! LOL. Yeah, I was so excited to get into the program I haven't read everything yet. :/ But I am loving the workouts so far!
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    I am having the same problems. I just completed Day 3 last night. The back of my calves are killing me! I have gained weight...around 3-4 lbs. My fingers are swollen so I know I am retaining water. I am in the same boat as you Amber!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I actually started Insanity a couple of weeks ago. I did two days and then got sick with the flu. I absolutely felt the same way. I would wake up so sore and wonder how I was going to be able to work out again that day. Anytime you change your normal routine and work different muscles, you're going to get sore.

    The 3 lbs gain- it's really too much to be muscles. Are you near your monthly? If so you could be retaining more water.

    Just finished my monthly. So that might have something to do with it.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was day 5 for me. I feel ok while doing it and then an hour or two later, I'm all stiff like the tin man...but then it goes away again. Keeps me coming back for more. I like to sit here and ponder which particular thing made each body part hurt.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I am having the same problems. I just completed Day 3 last night. The back of my calves are killing me! I have gained weight...around 3-4 lbs. My fingers are swollen so I know I am retaining water. I am in the same boat as you Amber!

    HAHA! Do we really want to be on this boat?!?! LOL jk
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    I am having the same problems. I just completed Day 3 last night. The back of my calves are killing me! I have gained weight...around 3-4 lbs. My fingers are swollen so I know I am retaining water. I am in the same boat as you Amber!

    HAHA! Do we really want to be on this boat?!?! LOL jk

    This boat will get us to skinny! lol
  • I gained 5 pounds when I started it too. My lower back and calves hurt so bad!!! Stick with it, you WILL see results! Good luck!
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